Another Date and He Left?

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while, was busy and needed a bit of a break. But I'm back! Hope this chapter makes up for the delay, again, I'm sorry.

Snapping out of the memory, Jade smiled as she stroked Shadow's head as he cooed. "We both were a lot different back then, huh?"

"Yeah, we were." Shadow agreed before lifting his head up again. "But look where we are now? Best friends and I'm going to be a father!" his excitement made her chuckle softly as she patted his head fondly, proud he was going to be a father. "I'm so proud of you, Angel. And I hope your babies will be just as gorgeous as you and Opal."

Shadow nuzzled her cheek, purring happily before the sound of footsteps reached their ears, causing both dragon and girl to turn their heads, seeing Alisha walk over and seat herself down beside her adopted mother. "Hi mum."

"Hey, sweetie." the Snow Queen greeted her adopted daughter, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into her side. "What are you doing out here?" Alisha asked out of curiosity. "Just thinking about how I met Shadow and how much we've changed since them."

"Oh, I remember you telling me this a few months later when I first met Shadow." Alisha remembered Jade telling her the story as she patted Shadow's head, the Night Fury purring happily at the contact.

The two humans and dragon enjoyed the company before heading back inside, Jade walked Alisha to her cell and hugged her goodnight before retreating to her mattress and lying down as Shadow curled up on his nest with Opal, the Light Fury in question looked ready to burst, her stomach was so swollen and Jade knew it would be in the next few days that she would lay her eggs. Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion all walked over and cuddled up to her, she giggled and fell asleep with them cuddled to her body.


Early the next morning, the Snow Queen was woken by Shadow nudging her head. "Jade, wake up!" she groaned as her eyes fluttered open, only to see Shadow's wide, toothless grin staring down at her. She checked her watch on her wrist, 5:23. "Why the hell have you woken me up this early, Shadow?" her voice was raspy with sleep as she slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes with a yawn as her brother's kept sleeping.

"Opal laid her eggs, Jade! Come see!" grabbing hold of her shirt sleeve in his mouth, the overexcited Night Fury led his rider to his and Opal's nest where the Light Fury was curled around three eggs, black with speckles of white on them, no doubt from their combination of black and white.

Her sleepyness gone, she gasped in happiness, eyes alight with joy as she hugged her Night Fury tightly. "Congratulations, boy! Your gonna be a dad." she squealed with all the excitement she held! Lara stumbled out of the cell she shared with Sam, yawning and rubbing her eyes. When she saw the eggs her dragon was guarding, she squealed with joy, gently hugging Opal around the neck, the Light Fury purring at her rider's happiness, nuzzling her stomach as Lara congratulated her on the eggs.

Jade and Lara grinned at each other, hugging one another tightly as the two proud parents-to-be nuzzled affectionately. Lara soon went back to bed, as it was too early to get up as Jade laid back down on her mattress, careful not to disturb Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion. She smiled softly to herself, proud of Shadow and Opal. Glancing back at her watch, she saw it was now 5:32. Seeing not point in going back to sleep, she sat up and headed outside to watch the sun rise as Drogon walked out to join her, settling down beside her and resting his head on her lap.

"I'm happy for them." Drogon cooed softly, closing his red eyes as his sister stroked his head and neck, his frills vibrating with content. "So am I, brother." her voice curled lightly around his thoughts, pulsing with love she sent. Drogon purred happily to her as they watched the sun rise in the distance. Her hair blew softly in the morning breeze as the sunlight reflected in her rainforest green eyes. A soft coo made both dragon and human turn their heads, a bit surprised to see Shadow walk out and over to them, settling down on her other side and resting his head in his paws, crooning as Jade stroked his head fondly.

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