I'm not the only one with a secret!

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Daryl kept his gaze on the five men as the other's stared in shock at them. "Come out of there, nice and slow." Daryl commanded, body stiff as the five men came out from behind the metal cage standing a few feet away from the group. Maya snarled loudly, a warning not to come any closer to them.

"What happened to him?" one of the men asked, gesturing to Hershel.

"He got bit." Daryl answered in a low tone, his wolf prowling the cage anxiously, growling.

"We need to get him back now!" Jade spoke frantically and Maya jogged over as T-Dog took over keeping the door closed. The light grey wolf laid down on her stomach. "Jade, put him on my back, you can keep him steady."

Jade nodded and Rick, herself, Glenn and Maggie all worked together to get Hershel on Maya's back before Jade climbed on behind the old man, leaning him against her body and keeping him stable as Maya rose to her feet.

"T, get the doors!" Rick called out, hurrying beside the grey wolf as she stopped in front of the double doors.

"Whoa, don't open those, man!" one of the prisoners exclaimed. "We got it!" T yelled before pulling the doors open, him and Glenn taking care of the few undead as Maya padded out into the hallway, following the arrows that Glenna had sprayed on the walls with the other's close behind.

"Daryl, come on!" Rick called to the hunter, who still kept his crossbow aimed at the men, the hunter glared, then turned and hurried out with Rick.

As the group rounded a corner, voices were heard and they looked behind them. "Follow the light of the torch." the prisoners shadows were cast on the walls and the small group picked up their pace.

They arrived back in the cell block. "It's Hershel!" Rick yelled as Lara and Sam came out of their cell block with Soren.

"Lara, get the first aid kit! Sam get as many towels as we have!" Jade barked out orders, her two friends rushing to get what she asked for as the Snow Queen slipped off her sister's back and Maya laid down on the ground so the other's could take Hershel of her back. Rick and Glenn took the old man to a cell as Lara and Sam ran over to Jade with a pile of towels and the first aid kit.

"We got this, you deal with those men." Jade told Rick, handing him her keys to the rest of the prison, he nodded and left the cell as she and Lara opened the first aid kit. The Snow Queen removed the ice from the wound, thankfully, it had done the job of freezing the blood flow and they could work without a big mess on their hands.

"We can help?" Lori, Rick's wife offered herself and Carol, but Jade shook her head. "The ice froze the blood flow, so we're fine!"

"Really, you need our-"

"When she says we got it, she means it, now leave us!" Lara harshly cut Carol off, giving the woman a fierce glare. The grey haired woman was rather shocked and pissed off by that remark, but left with a huff as Lori followed after her.

"Stupid woman." Lara grumbled as she started to stitch the massive cut closed, Beth and Maggie lingered at the door, both worried for their father. Once the skin was pulled together half an hour later, both girls worked together to wrap the limb in bandages to keep it from becoming infected and sighed in relief, giving each other a smile.

Lara checked his forehead, finding no sign of the fever that would come with a bite. "I think Jade got it in time. There is no fever, so I think he'll be okay." the brunette told the two sisters, who hugged each other in relief that their father would recover from this.

Footsteps were heard as Rick appeared, covered in blood and neither of the girls had to ask to know what happened. But he told them anyway. "Three of the prisoners are dead, the other two are locked up a cell block for now." he held out the keys to Jade, who took them back with a nod of her head.

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