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I want to give a huge shoutout to SkyFuryLover for the wonderful comment in the last chapter. That was incredibly sweet of you to say, darling. I am very happy and honoured you are finding this story, chapters and my character very inspirational and that it's touched your heart so wonderfully. Thank you so much! I am very honoured and happy! Love you, sweetheart. 💗💖

Also, I've started a new story called Life with a Tiger for a Dæmon. If you want to check it out, go to my profile, the first two chapters are already out.

Jade and Daryl, in human form once more with his clothes returned and vest back, sat together on the cliff that Jade would rest on when she and the two dragon's rested after their morning flights.

"So this is where you go after your flight with the dragon's, huh?" Daryl's question snapped her out of the trance she'd been in, staring at the view of the prison down below.

"Yeah." she answered finally, turning her head to look at him. "The dragon's and I would come here to rest after an hour long flight."

He slowly nodded in satisfaction before silence enveloped them once more, the only sound was the breeze shifting the trees and leaves around.

A soft noise behind them made the two look back, Jade smiled widely as she saw her aunt standing beside her mother, both princesses in human form with smiles on their faces. "Mum, Aunt Luna!" Jade got to her feet, running over with her arms open, both sisters opened their own arms, collecting the Snow Queen between them, their heads resting on her shoulders with their wings folded around her.

"Surprise." Luna chuckled, stroking her only niece's white locks fondly with a gentle grin on her face. "What are you guys doing here?" Jade asked, pulling away from the hug with her mother and aunt, both princesses unwrapping their wings to let her out.

"Luna wanted to come and see you, sweetheart. And to meet the human who now knows your secret." Celestia's eyes moved to Daryl, who was on his feet and gave a small nod of greeting to the Sun Princess, she returned it with a nod of her own.

"Aunt Luna, I want you to meet Daryl, a friend of mine. He knows about my secret and has sworn to never tell anyone." Jade introduced her aunt to the hunter. The Moon Princess regarded Daryl for a moment before she smiled. "It's an honour to meet you, Daryl." she held out a hand for him to shake, he took it in a gentle grip, shaking their hands up and down before letting go.

Once the introductions were over with, Celestia and Luna sat down with Jade and Daryl, keeping the two company for a bit before they would have to return to Equestria.

"May I ask, my gem? But why are you out here and not with the rest of your family?" Celestia questioned her daughter, curious as to why she was away from her family when she knew her baby would never leave the others, especially Alisha now that the teen looked at the Snow Queen as her mother.

Jade sighed heavily, knowing it was useless to keep what had made her leave the prison from her mother and aunt. "A woman from Daryl's group named Carol stole one of my climbing axes and threatened me with it." she revealed, her mother and aunt gasped. Why would a human woman take one of Jade's cherished weapons? And why would she threatened her?

"Why would she do that?" Luna asked, anger seeping into her voice at this woman threatening Jade. No one threatened her niece without consequences.

"Because she has a huge crush on Daryl and is rather possessive of him." Jade said, causing both sisters to look at Daryl who nodded his head in confirmation to what Jade was saying.

"No one threatens you and gets away with it!" Luna growled, her anger spiking and protectiveness for her only niece getting loose.

"I know, I easily disarmed her and said that her words didn't faze me. If she threatens me with words she doesn't mean again, I will kill her, I don't care who sees. No one controls the Snow Queen." Jade said in determination.

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