Friend or foe?

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The night air was cool as a soft breeze tickled the ends of Jade's long, white hair, now free of it's braid and just flowing in the wind. She stood in the courtyard, the sounds of the undead mingling in the air as they clawed at the fence.

Opening the courtyard gate, she pulled out her dagger, walking down to the gravel walkway and unlocking the gate that led to it, pulling the gate open and stepping out onto the gravel path, she walked along the path and started to stab the undead through the loops in the fence, their bodies dropping to the ground each time she pulled her dagger out.

The last body dropped ten minutes later and she cleaned her dagger on her pants, putting it back in it's sheath before she turned, only to find Daryl standing in the walkway. "Can I help you?" she asked, walking over to him.

"You do this every night, huh?" his question made her turn to the now vacant prison fence.

"I do it to protect my family. You would do the same." she walked past him, heading for the gate. He followed her, stepping through the gate as she took the keys from her belt and locked the padlock into the chains before she turned and started to walk back.

"Your group settling in?" she asked, stopping at the small hill and she turned to observe the quiet night. Daryl stopped beside her. "Yeah, thanks again for letting us in. It means a lot." he thanked her gracefully, glancing in her direction.

"Your welcome." she started to head back inside the prison with Daryl behind her, the Snow Queen walked inside the kitchen where Jonah was starting their dinner, a soup with the meat she'd collected from the first deer that she had taken down that morning. He had such a great talent with cooking up meals so well, it was no wonder Roth had chosen him as the head cook on the Endurance. He spooned three big spoons of the broth into bowls as Rick and his group walked in, being escorted by Lara and the other's. Jade smiled as she saw her older brother, being supported by Hugo and Maya, limping inside, his unique eyes lighting up as his sister walked over, greeting him with a hug as she buried her face into his white fur. "How are you feeling, big brother?" she asked, removing herself from the hug after a few seconds of embracing Soren.

"Better, my leg doesn't hurt as much now." he said while Jonah was handing out bowls of steaming soup to the group members. Jade grabbed her own bowl as Jonah collected his and went to join the family of four humans, four wolves, each getting their own piece of meat on a plate and five dragon's, them also having their own food, fish of dinner. Rick and his group sat together at a few prison tables, eating their food quietly. "May I ask you all a question?" Rick asked, causing Jade and her family to look at them, just because they'd let them inside didn't mean that they were trustworthy, yet! "That depends..." Lara began, eating a mouthful of soup before continuing. "...on what the question is."

"Have you all checked the tombs of this place?" the leader asked, causing the family to shake their heads. "No, not yet. But we're planning on going down there tomorrow to see what we can find." Lara told them.

"Can some of us come with you? Me, Glenn, Daryl, Maggie and Hershel? We can help you." Rick requested gently. The family looked at one another before Lara answered.

"Well, okay. But Jade and Maya are going with you, the rest of us will stay here, same with the rest of your group. Anything happens, it's not our fault!" the brunette told them sternly.

Rick nodded in understanding. "Thank you for letting us come and help, it's really appreciated."

"Don't get used to it." Maya grumbled, going back to her food.

Alisha, who was eating her own dinner, was sitting beside Jade, the latter whom rested against Soren's belly without agitating his leg, glanced at her adopted mother and nudged her gently in the ribs, causing the Snow Queen to look down at the teen questioningly. The fifteen year old motioned for Jade to lean down, she did so and the teen whispered into her ear. "That kid keeps looking at me." Alisha looked at the new group, Jade followed her gaze, finding the young boy staring at her charge. Soren, having noticed the boy staring at Alisha, added. "Just ignore him, Alisha. He's probably never seen another child close to his age, even though your older by two years." Jade nodded her head in agreement, eating her food before answering. "Yeah, just ignore it, sweetheart." wrapping an arm around Alisha's shoulder's, the Snow Queen pressed her lips to the teen's hairline.

The fifteen year old smiled at the gesture, she was now really starting to consider Jade as her adopted mother, three months and a half, (I did the math, that's how long it's been since the funeral.) have gone by since her real mother's funeral. She would always miss her mum, but Jade was doing her absolute best in protecting her and the family. Making her final decision, Alisha tapped Jade's arm, the white haired, green eyed young woman turned her attention to her. "Can I call you mum now, Jade?" the whole room went dead silent after the questioned was asked. Jade looked shocked, certainly not expecting such a question. "You've always tried your hardest to protect us all from the undead. You led us to this prison and gave us a place that was safe. I will miss my real mum, but I know she would be proud if she saw you now. So, can I call you mum?" Everyone waited with battered breath for Jade's answer. Water gathered in her green eyes as she nodded her head. "Yes, you can!"

Smiling widely with tears of her own falling down her cheeks, Alisha threw herself into her new mother's arms as Lara and the other's erupted into loud cheers and claps of congregations to the new mother and daughter. Even Rick and his group clapped and cheered for their new relationship as the wolves let out joyous howls and the dragon's roared in celebration. Drogon and his brother's ran over, nuzzling their new niece happily, since Jade was their human sister, Alisha was now their niece thanks to Jade accepting the teen as her daughter.

But not everyone was happy for them. "Since when do you consider her your mother when you look nothing like her?" The grey haired woman, Carol as she was named, scoffed. Jade narrowed her eyes on the older woman, gently moving Alisha behind her so she was safe before she spoke.

"She may not look like me, but she is my daughter. You have a problem with that?" she growled angrily.

"I'm just saying, she might want to choose someone else rather than you."

Alisha grew angry and stepped out from behind Jade. "She adopted me legally by court. Jade is my mother now, whether you like it or not!" she shouted in her mother's defence.

Carol was left stunned as Alisha stormed off to her cell, roughly shoving the blanket she had draped over the front of the cell for privacy aside and flopping onto the bottom bunk, still really pissed off!

How dare that woman say that Jade wasn't good enough to care for her! Jade had gone through hell to make sure she was safe at all times, no matter how bad things got, she was always there to help and protect. The Snow Queen may not be her real mother, but she didn't care, a mother was a mother, no matter if their child was biological or adopted. When her real mother was killed, Jade strived to do her best in caring for her, something Alisha greatly appreciated. She was given space when she needed it, time to mourn, allowed to stay up till 10 and lots of other things. It was always Jade that made sure everything was well with her and Alisha would never trade her for anything.

Footsteps sounded before the blanket was pushed aside to show Jade, a concerned look on her face. Walking inside, the Snow Queen sat down on the bottom bunk and laid down, pulling Alisha into her arms as the teen allowed her mother to comfort her.

"Don't listen to her, sweetie. She doesn't know what she's talking about." Jade whispered, kissing the teen's hairline gently, stroking her brown locks fondly.

"Your not worthless, mum. You care about all of us and do your best to protect us all." Jade smiled at the compliment.

"Thanks, Alisha. Look, just do it go near them until we decide that they can be trusted, okay?"

"Okay." Alisha agreed and both mother and daughter lay there in each other's arm, seeking comfort together.

Aww, Jade is now Alisha's mother! Soo cute! Some bonding time between her and Alisha! And Carol's being mean! Please enjoy this chapter. Read and comment if you like it so far.

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