Unexpected Guests

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The sun rose into the sky as Shadow, Opal and Jade rested on a cliff overlooking the forest after their hour long morning flight. Jade was resting against Shadow's hindquarters as he lay curled around her, head resting in her lap with Opal lying beside him, her head resting on her front paws.

The Snow Queen was happy her family had found the prison when they did, if they hadn't they'd still be out there surviving. But they were safe behind walls now and Jade hoped it stayed like that.

A few birds flew past, chirping to each other, Jade sighed softly at the display, her smile fading. Shadow and Opal instantly zeroed in on her look of dismay. "What's wrong, Jade?" Shadow asked, curling more tightly around his rider, looking at her with worried filled green eyes.

"I just... I just wish I could have what Lara and Sam have." she spoke after a few seconds of silence.

"You mean love, like me and Shadow?" Opal questioned with a coo.


The two dragon's looked at each other in concern before Opal spoke. "Jade, you can. You just need to find the right person."

"But you all see my scars on my face, all the others! No one will want me. Especially since I have a low body temperature!" Jade scowled.

"If anything, I don't deserve it, not after the things I've seen and done." the Snow Queen rose to her feet, stepping away from Shadow's tight embrace as both Furies watched her. "Alisha is my charge, my adopted daughter, my responsibility. She loves me, just like everyone else does. But I know that no one will want me in a romantic way, I'm too scarred and violent."

Shadow got to his feet and walked over, gently nudging her left hip, she turned around and was stunned when the Night Fury rose up on his hind legs, wrapping his front paws around her shoulders in a hug, drawing her into his chest as his head rested on her shoulder. The Snow Queen hugged her dragon and best friend tightly, tears threatening to spill from her closed eyes. Opal walked over and rose up on her hind legs, wrapping Jade in her front paws from the back, sandwiching the young woman between the two of them in a dragon hug.


At the prison, the others were awake and munching on the food they'd been given by Lara was the temporary leader while Jade was out with the dragon's. The brunette still wore her dragon armour suit and headed out into the courtyard, breathing in the fresh air.

Checking her watch on her left wrist, it read 10:43 in the morning. She frowned, they'd slept in that late? Wow! But she shook it off as movement from the main gate caught her eye and she gasped as she saw a large group of humans stop at the gate, she knew they'd seen her because all of them were looking right at her!

"Hello up there?" a male voice shouted from the gate. "Are you the leader?"

His shouting drew the others out, all of them confused. "What's with all the yelling?" Maya questioned before her blue eyes widened. "What?"

Alisha, who saw the humans, latched herself to Lara's waist tightly. The brunette stroked her hair in reassurance. She turned to face the others. "I'll go down and see what's going on. You guys wait here."

Keena stepped forward. "You're not going alone, Lara. Who knows what they might do." leaving no room to argue, Lara could only nod before she and Keena pulled the courtyard gate open and started to walk down towards the main gate.

"Jade, wherever you are. Please come back." Lara sent a quiet prayer to her best friend as Keena glanced at her, the black she-wolf could tell her human friend was worried and on high alert with these humans, and who wouldn't be? The black wolf kept her guard up as they stopped at the front gate, the humans on the other side clearly were shocked by the sight of a large, black wolf standing beside the brunette.

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