The Prison

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"Five weeks had gone by since we left London and the life we knew. Now we're headed who knows where, trying to keep safe from the undead that now walk the earth. Aunt Lara and my guardian Jade try everything in their power to protect me, Aunt Sam, Uncle Jonah, my uncles Soren and Hugo, aunt's Keena and Maya, Drogon, Rhaegal, Viserion, Opal and Shadow from the dangers of the undead. Jade is the leader of our little group, Aunt Lara, Aunt Sam and Uncle Jonah, the wolves and dragon's all voted for her to be the leader. She didn't want to at first, but after some persuasion from aunt Lara, she took up the leadership role, and is doing really well." Alisha closed the journal she'd been given by Lara after writing her entry for the day, as she had done since they all left London, stowing it in her bag and cuddling up to Jade, who wore a grey jacket with a thick hood. She wrapped a arm around the teen's shoulders and brought her into her side.

Opal lay curled up around Lara, her head in the brunette's lap, eyes closed in content. Shadow was the same, except was curled around Jade and Alisha. Sam sat against Maya, the light grey wolf allowing the Asian girl to use her stomach like a couch. Soren, Hugo and Keena all lay around the small fire that Lara had built a few minutes ago, all of them, apart from Jade, were crowded around the fire, soaking up the warmth it gave off.

Alisha glanced up at Jade, since they left, the Snow Queen had been trying her best to protect the other's but it was taking a toll on her, even if she'd been born to rule, she was no where near ready. Sensing she was being watched, Jade looked at Alisha, who smiled and reached out, gripping her hand tightly and lacing their fingers together. Jade's low body temperature didn't bother the teen anymore, she found it relaxing and cool. No pun intended!

"We'll find someplace soon, won't we, Jade?" Alisha's voice danced on hopeful and the young woman sighed, gently tucking a loose strand of brown hair from the teen's face so she could see her brown eyes. "Of course we will. I promise." leaning down, Jade pressed her lips to Alisha's forehead gently.

Alisha snuggled up to the Snow Queen, admiring how calm and collected she was around the others. The teen smiled and drifted off. Feeling Alisha fall asleep on her shoulder, Jade carefully shifted her around and laid the girl on the ground, draping a blanket over her body to keep the chill out.

Rising to her feet, Jade walked a few paces away from the camp, staring up at the night sky, no doubt her aunt Luna was watching over them from Equestria, same with her mother. A hand on her shoulder jolted the young woman out of her trance and she turned her head, seeing Lara standing beside her. "You okay?" her tone wavered on concern for her best friend, the leader of the group.

Jade nodded slowly. "Yeah, just tired." as if on cue, a yawn escaped her mouth. Her eyes grew droopy and she turned to face Lara. "I'm gonna get some sleep. Are you okay keeping watch?"

Lara smiled. "Sure I am! You get some rest, cause you've been busting your ass to keep us all safe! The least we can do is let you rest for a night. Don't worry about us, we'll be good, you just rest." moving her hand from Jade's shoulder to her arm comforted the Snow Queen and she reached out, hugging the brunette to her body tightly. "Thanks, Lara. I'll be up when I get up."

Lara waved the words off. "Nah, sleep to your hearts content, baby girl! Like I said, we'll be fine." giving Lara a kiss on the cheek, Jade left her side, heading over to where Shadow was curled up around Alisha, providing the teen with extra warmth from his scales. He cooed softly upon seeing Jade, lifting a wing, inviting her to join him. She did so, grabbing a blanket to drape over herself and Alisha, laying down on the ground and placing the blanket over herself and her adopted daughter. Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion all snuggled up to her, despite how big they were getting, they still insisted on cuddling with her, which was fine, but soon they would be too big and would have to curl around them as they got bigger.

As Shadow lowered his wing and darkness shrouded the Snow Queen, she made sure Alisha was tucked tightly into her side before slowly drifting off to sleep with her three brothers and the rest of her family close by.


The snarls and growls of the undead echoed in the air as they stumbled around a large prison yard, dressed in jumpsuits as Jade and her family looked from the trees, analysing the situation as the Snow Queen lowered the icicle from her left eye that she'd created with her powers.

"So, what's the plan?" Lara asked as Jade handed her the icicle, the end bitten off to act like a telescope. The brunette glanced to her left at the young woman, who was staring at the field with squinting eyes. Her green eyes moved from the field to the courtyard, then the guard towers before she got an idea. "Here's the plan, everyone." the family all gathered around to listen.

A few minutes later, Lara, armed with a pair of wire cutters, stood beside the wire fence enclosing the prison. She glanced at the others, all with their own weapons as the dragon's hovered above them. Jade had grabbed her spare automatic tail-fin and attached it to Shadow's tail so he could fly on his own, he wasn't that happy about it, but agreed to it just this once. With a nod from Jade, Lara cut a hole in the fence, slipping through, following by Alisha, Sam, Jonah, Soren, Hugo, Maya, Keena and lastly Jade, she tied the hole with strong rope just as a undead slammed itself against the fence, snarling. Jade motioned for Lara to lead the way and the brunette jogged down the enclosed walkway used to patrol the prison back when the world wasn't overrun by dead people.

The small family came to the main gate, also closed off as Jade stepped up beside Lara. There were undead everywhere, but they could handle them. She smiled. "It's great. We just need to close that courtyard gate to prevent anymore of them coming in and take out these ones in the field." she turned to her family.

"Lara, Sam, you two take that tower." she pointed to the left tower. "Alisha, you and Jonah will take the right. Be careful with your ammo, don't waste it all. All of you are great shots. Soren, Hugo, Maya and Keena." the four wolves waited for their task in securing this place as their own.

"You guys try and lure as many of the undead to you as possible and you five." she turned to the dragon's. "Swoop down and take as many as you can carry and throw them far away so we don't get overcrowded." Shadow growled in agreement.

Opal made a noise of worry, her blue eyes full of concern, she landed on the ground, walking over to Lara and nuzzling her stomach. "Please be careful, Lara." Jade smiled gently at the concerned words coming from the Light Fury.

"Don't worry, Opal. She'll be okay." she stroked the white dragon's head in reassurance that her rider would be safe.

"We'll see you soon, Jade. Be careful out there." Shadow cooed, landing as well and nuzzling his rider's shoulder. The Snow Queen wrapped her arms around her Night Fury's neck. "I promise, Angel." she pressed her lips to his head before letting him go. The two dragon's lifted into the air once more as Lara cut the padlock on the gate with a pair of bolt cutters, Jade pulled it open and ran out as Lara, Sam, Jonah and Alisha all went to their respective towers, climbing to the top and started to shoot the undead as the dragon's swooped down, snatching up two undead in their claws and flying high into the air, flinging the dead people far away from the prison as the wolves lured the undead to them with growls, barks and snarls.

Gunshots filled the air as Jade ran past some undead, shooting a few with her pistol. A bullet struck the ground centimetres from her boot, she looked up and saw Alisha cringing. "Sorry, Jade!" the teen yelled in apology. Jade only chuckled and kept going, not seeing the undead sneaking up behind her. It was about to strike when a pair of white claws snatched it from the ground, Opal carrying it over the fence and tossing it into the woods, she grinned at Shadow, who returned her smile as Drogon and his brother's hovered nearby. All the dragon's flew back down to join the fight.

Jade made it to the courtyard and kicked an undead back inside, grabbing the gate and slamming it shut, putting a strong lock on it to deal with them later. The air grew silent as the last undead fell from a bullet to the head. The Snow Queen smiled. The prison was theirs!

Sorry it took a while to do this chapter, was busy. But here it is, enjoy!

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