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For the rest of the day, Jade avoided Daryl, telling her family members one at a time, safe to say, none of them were happy he knew about her secret, but there was nothing that could be done now and that they just had to accept it.

After dinner, Jade headed out to do her patrol, walking down to the closed in walkway and pulling the gate open, she started to stab the undead that lined the fence, their bodies dropping to the ground. When the last one was dealt with, she stowed her dagger in its sheath and turned to head back, finding Daryl standing in the courtyard at the fence, watching her.

With a huff of annoyance, she headed back, making sure the gate was shut and locked behind her before making her way up the hill and pulling the courtyard gate open. "What do you want?" she grumbled, going to rinse her hands in the small bucket of water that stood near the gate, cleaning her hands.

"Wanted to see if I could ask some questions, if that's okay with you?" she frowned as she turned to face him, crying her hands on her pants as she regarded him. "About my life?"

"Yeah, and then some." raising an eyebrow, she gave him a strange look. "Alright, go ahead." she permitted with a wave of her left hand, folding her arms over her chest.

"So, you were born in this other world and you came here when you were young?" Daryl questioned.

"I came here at the age of two, I met Lara a few hours beforehand and we bonded real quick." Jade answered for him.

"You look human, but don't look anything like your mother. Why is that?" Daryl asked, shifting his weight slightly as he waited for the answer. "Well, it's because when I was born, mum and aunt Luna saw my icy magic activate and so they changed me into a human to see if I could gain control of my powers. Because I was turned to human minutes after my birth, mum told me that I wouldn't be able to change into a pony like they can. If your in a specific form for a certain amount of time, you can't change your form. So I've been like this..." she gestured to herself with her hands. "For nineteen years and I will not be able to change my shape even if I wanted too. Do you get what I'm saying?" she asked to make sure he understood what she was explaining.

"Yeah, I get what your saying." Daryl said with a nod of his head. "And to answer your question, I look more like my father than my mother." Jade told him. Daryl frowned at that. "How come your dad wasn't with your mother last night?"

"My father is dead. Mum said that he was killed in battle before I was even born. So mum and aunt Luna raised me until I met Lara and we came here." Jade told him, causing the hunter to look at her with sympathy. The Snow Queen rolled her eyes. "Don't give me that look! I've long ago accepted it, so don't feel sorry for me." she told him firmly. "Anything else you want to ask me?"

"Uh, this will sound strange and I shouldn't be askin', but those scars, how did you get them?" Daryl asked, feeling like he was invading her privacy with his questioning. He knew that he shouldn't be inquiring about the scars on her face but they were in plain sight, people were bound to ask sooner or later. Jade sighed. "You probably won't believe me, but Shadow and I were taking down a massive dragon and as we were escaping, I was knocked off his back, falling towards a sea of flames. Shadow dove after me, managing to grab my belt and wrap me in his wings. We fell for who knows how long, finally coming to a stop on the rocky ground. I was unconsciousness mum found us, taking us back to London where they worked to get my burns under control, they did but the scars would be there for life." she finished the story, gripping the hem of her shirt. "I have more." since he knew about her face scars, it only seemed fair that she show him the rest. Lifting her shirt up to just under her ribs, Daryl got a full view of the scars across her belly and the side wound that had gotten infected, growing to the size of a tennis ball with dead veins stretching across her stomach and back.

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