I don't trust you!

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He understood her reasons for being mad as he followed his sister through the woods, keeping up with her as she stormed along the path. His brother's followed him, squealing occasionally.

His red-orange eyes looked around, keeping an eye out of any danger that may sneak up on them as they walked. Opening his wings, he flew up and hovered beside his sister, landing gently as possible on her left shoulder, despite his size, he could just fit on her shoulder, but soon he would not be able too anymore. His sister was not bothered and kept walking, stopping at a tree and squeezing her eyes shut as rage pulsed through her body. "Who does that guy think he is!" she raged angrily, a blast of ice shooting from her open palm and smashing into a large tree, the whole thing covered in a thick layer of ice!

She growled in frustration, finding a tree stump and sitting on it as Rhaegal and Viserion nuzzled her legs, trying to comfort her. "I hit that deer first, yet he says that he'd been tracking it for ages! Excuse me, but I found it first!"

The three dragon's watched her rant out her frustrations about Daryl before a branch to their left snapped, alerting them. Jade quickly got to her feet, bow out and arrow on the string, pulled back and ready to fire. She kept it aimed at the trees as her brother's circled her legs, hissing and growling, their frills vibrating with unease.

Then out of the trees emerged a massive black bear, it roared at the young woman and rose up on it's hind legs, it's claws raised to strike. Jade had no desire to be hurt again and did the only thing she could, she ran for her life! The trees became a blur to her as she ran, her brother's flying beside her as they kept up with her.

She ran for what felt like ages, the heavy pounding of the bear telling her it was chasing her before the trees parted and she found herself at the edge of a cliff, far down below was a river. She turned around as the bear emerged and her brother's spat fire at the creature, she made the grave mistake of backing up and her foot slipped on the edge, she screamed as her body tipped backwards and she was falling!

Acting quickly, she slammed one of her climbing axes into the rocky wall, the blade getting stuck fourteen feet below the ledge. The bear was roaring in rage and pain as the dragon's continued to breathe their fire at it, soon driving it away! Footsteps came to her ears and she saw Daryl's head poke out from the ledge fourteen feet above her. "Jade!" he called down to her, his voice echoing in the cavern.

Groaning from the dizziness of her fall, she slowly started to climb back up, but it proved to be a challenge, as the rock wall kept crumbling under her weight, from the recent rain, it caused the wall to become crumbly and small clumps of dirt fell far down below.

Her brother's couldn't fly her up, as they were too young to hold her weight. She slammed her climbing axe into the rock wall, only for it to slip and she fell down a few feet, managing to grip some roots sticking out of the cliff. Knowing she couldn't use her climbing axe and risk more rocks and stone raining down on her, she put it away, resorting to using her bare hands and feet to climb back up, which was going to be a big challenge.

But she wasn't one to give up so easily and gripped the rock as tight as possible and slowly, ever so slowly, began to make her way to the top as her brother's and Daryl watched anxiously. Where had he come from anyway? She'd left him behind with that deer she had shot with her bow.

Shaking those thoughts from her head, she focused on getting to the top, but rocks kept crumbling beneath her fingers and she growled in annoyance. It took her ten minutes just to reach five feet from the top. She looked up, seeing Daryl with both arms hanging over the edge. "Jump, I'll catch you."

"Why would you help me?" she grunted, digging her fingers into the rock as more stones crumbled and fell away. She pressed her body as close to the wall as possible, not wanting to fall all the way down there!

Through a Dragon's EyesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin