Chapter 104

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The wedding reception was held at a clubhouse that Adam and Madilyn often rented out for special occasions. Unlike a lot of receptions, there was no assigned seating. Everyone could sit where they wanted. Instead of fancy, exotic food being served by course, there was a large buffet of simple foods, such as burgers, hotdogs, pasta, pizza, and other foods people generally enjoyed. People were allowed to help themselves to a meal anytime they were ready. Best of all, Celtic Woman was performing at the reception, which made Lea so happy.

"Pardon me," Gandalf said to Bri, "but who are those lovely ladies with the beautiful voices?"

Bri grinned. "That is Celtic Woman," she said. "They're Lea's favorite singing group."

"Celtic Woman?" Frodo inquired. "They're incredible."

"Yeah, they really are," said Madilyn.

"Sméagol likes them, too," said Lea. "I got him into them."

"What are their names?" asked Sam.

"Well, the one on the violin," said Lea, "that's Tara McNeill. The one with the blonde hair is Megan Walsh. The one with the long, light brown hair is Éabha McMahon, and the one with the short, dark hair is Mairéad Carlin."

"Interesting names," said Gandalf.

"Yep," Bri agreed. "They're from a country called Ireland."

"I don't believe I've ever heard of Ireland," said Frodo.

Lea beamed, remembering both of her trips to Ireland. "Oh, it's so beautiful, and everyone there is really nice and friendly, and the music is beyond gorgeous."

"You've been there before?"

"Yep, twice."

"And, you'll be going again," said Bri.


"For your honeymoon. You and Sméagol will be going to Ireland together for two weeks."

"You leave in two days," said Damian. "Give you time to pack."

Lea was excited but very confused. "Wait, but... how—"

"Remember the tip jar we set out at your concert last month? Well, someone left an envelope with a huge wad of cash, $5,000 to be exact."

"Holy shit!" Lea exclaimed, flabbergasted.

Damian, Bri, Sam, and Frodo laughed at Lea's reaction.

"But... who left me that much?"

"Well, I don't know," said Damian. "It was anonymous."

"It was Val," said Bri. "I recognized her handwriting."

Lea's jaw dropped. "Val?"

"Who's Val?" asked Sam.

"She used to be our other best friend," said Bri.

"Until she slept with Lea's ex-boyfriend," said Damian, "and then, started bullying her."

"Oh, that one," said Sam, remembering what they had told him at the party.

"I guess she felt guilty when she realized Lea was dying," said Bri. "She finally realized what she was doing, so she did something nice for her."

Lea and Damian looked at each other in amazement.

"I guess even the biggest assholes can change for the better," said Damian.

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