Chapter 24

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Later, after Damian had gone to bed and Sméagol went back home, Lea and Bri stayed up together, talking and eating snacks.

"You know, despite what I went through today," said Lea, "it was still a good day."

"Really?" asked Bri.

"Yeah. I spent it with some amazing friends who made me feel so much better, and made me feel loved again."

"That's because you are loved. So, how did Sméagol react when you had that meltdown?"

"Oh, my gosh, he was so sweet," Lea said with a big smile on her face. "It was a really bad, explosive SIB meltdown, so I was hitting and punching my legs."

"Oh, no, Honey..."

"He put a soft pillow on my lap, and that stopped the SIB. I was still hyperventilating and crying hysterically, though, so he sat with me and held me, until I calmed down. He told me that I was beautiful and precious, and that he was there for me. He even sang to me."

"Awwwwwwwwww!" Bri swooned. "That is so sweet!" she squealed. "Oh, my gosh! I'm gonna cry! He's such a sweetie-pie!"

"Then, I fell asleep in his arms, and when I woke up like, two or three hours later, I was still in his arms. He didn't move. He stayed with me to make sure I would be okay."

Bri put her hands over her mouth, trying to prevent herself from screaming. "Awwwwwwww..." she cried, "what a sweet angel! I can't believe anyone would ever wanna hurt him. That breaks my heart."

Lea wiped a few tears from her eyes. "Yeah, he is insanely sweet. I normally don't open up to people that easily anymore."

"I know."

"But, there was something about him that made me feel at ease, and I knew I could trust him. The last person that made me feel like that was you. Remember how fast I opened up to you?"

"Yeah, I remember, and now, look at us. We're practically twinsies."

"And, of course, Damian. He's like a brother to me now."

Bri smiled. "Yeah, he thinks of you as his little sister."

"And, I know I've only known Sméagol a couple days, but—"

"You still feel like he's already your best friend."

"Exactly. Well, along with you and Damian."

"Well, duh," Bri joked. "It's not like you're gonna replace us. I mean, come on. We're irreplaceable."

Lea chuckled. "Yepperdoodles."

Bri laughed. "Yepperdoodles. I love that word."

"But, yeah, I already feel really close to him. I mean, I already know a lot about him, and he knows a lot about me, too."

"And, you accept each other."

"Is it weird that I'm so close to someone I just met?"

"No. It's rare and unique, not weird. Every once in a blue moon, you meet someone you connect with instantly. Next thing you know, you're best friends forever."

"And, you know something else? He's already seen a really ugly side of me, and he didn't run away. First time I had a meltdown in from of Ivan, he got all weird and left."

"Ivan's a douche."

"Yeah, he is. You know, I realized something today."

"What's that?"

"I don't love Ivan anymore. Truth is, I haven't loved him for a while. I was still in love with the old Ivan, the person he used to be a few months ago. But, he changed. He's not that person anymore, or maybe he never was. Maybe he was putting on an act. If he was, well, he stayed in character a long time. My point is, I guess I just got so sick of being treated that way, but I kept holding onto 'sweet' Ivan, hoping he'd come back. Now... I know that won't happen, and honestly, I don't care anymore. I'm... I'm over him."

Bri hugged Lea. "I'm so glad to hear that, Honey. You deserve so much better than him, someone who loves and accepts you the way you are. By the way, how did Sméagol know how to handle your meltdown?"

"Aini told him."

"Did you tell Aini?"


"How did she know then? Like, yesterday, she knew you hated touching jewelry and small metal objects."

"Well... she's an angel."

"Ohh, so when she said she flew Sméagol here, she meant that she flew him here, not in a plane."


Bri's mind was blown. "Wow."

"And, you know, it would normally creep me out if someone knew things about me before I tell them, but with her, I don't know. It makes me feel... at ease."

"Yeah, she's special," Bri agreed. "I like her."

"Me, too." Lea felt a little emotional. "I'm glad she rescued Sméagol."

Bri hugged Lea. "Aww, me, too, Honey."

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