Chapter 45

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The relationship between Lea and Sméagol only grew stronger with time. They spent nearly every waking moment together, going on romantic picnics at the park or by the lake, playing in the ocean, going out on dates to restaurants and movies, and spending a lot of nights at each other's houses, eating and watching movies, laughing, and talking about anything and everything. They spent a lot of time in Lea's music room, creating music together. Lea even helped him set up a YouTube channel, where he could post singing videos, and he received a lot of positive comments from followers.

Sméagol was thrilled when Lea introduced him to her family. They took to him immediately, and accepted him and Gollum. They told him stories about Lea when she was a child, which did not embarrass her, because she knew how to laugh at herself. They showed him her baby pictures, which only made him love her even more. He even told them about his life in Middle Earth, and although some of it was shocking and hard to hear, they were very understanding and accepting. They could see how much he loved Lea, and how happy she was. They hadn't seen her this happy in such a long time. It wasn't long before he felt like he was part of the family.

Even though Lea and Sméagol spent a lot of alone time together, they still never forgot about their friends, and still hung out with them all the time, going to karaoke, JamFam every Saturday night, and of course, Bible study and lunch every Sunday at Bri's house. Both Sméagol and Gollum were enthralled and deeply moved by the stories of God's unconditional love. Bri and Damian even taught him a few hymns and worship songs, and many of them moved him to tears, especially "10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord)" by Matt Redman and "Amazing Grace." Both Sméagol and Gollum were really beginning to feel close to God. Bri taught him about Heaven, and how to get there by accepting Jesus Christ into his heart.

Meanwhile, whenever Lea had time to herself, she tried to write her song for Sméagol, but she was still heavily blocked. She knew exactly what she wanted to write about, but she couldn't find the right words or a melody that was good enough. She wanted the song to really say how special he was to her, but she knew that no words could ever even come close to expressing what was in her heart. She loved him so deeply, and her love for him kept growing and getting stronger with each passing day.

Bri continued to go to the doctor regularly to monitor her pregnancy, and so far, there were no problems. The baby was growing, and was very healthy. She decided she wanted to wait until the baby was born to find out the gender. She really wanted a daughter, but she would be happy either way.

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