Chapter 50

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Aini dropped Sméagol and Lea off at the hospital, and the lady at the front desk told them where to go.

"We've never been to a hospital before," Sméagol said as they got on the elevator.

"It's a pretty crazy place," said Lea. "People come here, because they're really sick or hurt really badly, and they need to be treated for it. Or, they come here to give birth."

"How sick does it have to be to end up here?" asked Gollum.

"Depends," said Lea. "It's kinda hard to explain."

Then, the elevator stopped on the floor they needed to be on, and opened up.

Sméagol led Lea down the hall to Bri's room. When they reached the door, Lea stood outside, hesitant to go in.

"Come, Precious," Sméagol whispered.

"I don't know if I wanna go in," Lea said nervously.

"You're afraid to know if she wanted to kill herself, because of you."

"Yeah, and I'm afraid to see her in really bad shape."

"Don't be afraid, my love," Gollum said softly as he placed his hands on her arms. "We be right there with you. You won't have to do it alone." He knocked on the door.

Damian opened the door. "Hey, guys," he said cheerfully. "Come in. Come see Bri."

"Come, Precious." Sméagol took Lea's hand, and led her into the room.

"Hi, guys," said a very drowsy but happy Bri.

Lea broke down sobbing, and rushed to Bri's side.

"Hey," Bri said sweetly as she reached out to hug Lea. "Come ehere, Honey." She pulled her into a big hug, and stroked her hair. "I'm okay, Sweetie. I'm okay. It's just a minor concussion, and the baby's fine, too. They just wanna keep me here overnight for observation. I'll be home tomorrow. Everything's okay, Honey."

"I'm really, really sorry," Lea sobbed. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I didn't mean to hurt anyone."

"What are you talking about?"

"Val told me you drove off a cliff."

Bri was very confused. "Wait... what?"

"She said you tried to kill yourself, because of me."

"What?!" Bri snapped. "Why would she say that?!"

"She said it's because you're always having to carry my load, and take care of me, and because I dump all my problems on you."

"What the hell?!" Bri was shocked and horrified. "I was hit by a drunk driver!"

Just then, Val came in the room, carrying a container of jello. "I could only find lemon flavored," she said. Then, she saw Lea standing next to Bri's bed. "Lea, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Close the door, Damian," said Bri.

Damian did so.

"Did you tell Lea that I tried to kill myself, because of her?"

"No," Val lied.

Gollum glared at Val. "Liar," he said under his breath.

"Okay, yes," Val sighed.

"Why would you do something like that?!" Bri snapped angrily.

"I was trying to protect you, Bri."

"From what?!""You don't see it, do you, how toxic Lea is? She manipulates you, and puts all her shit on you, and you—"

"Oh, shut the hell up, Val! Just shut up! Lea has never, ever done anything to hurt me! She's never done anything to hurt you, but for some reason, you felt the need to tear her down, and make up bullshit stories about her! Val, you're the toxic friend, not Lea!"

"Not according to Ivan."

"I don't give a shit what Ivan says! He's an idiot!" Bri sighed heavily. "And, I am, too, for thinking you were really my friend."

"I am your friend."

"Oh, right, a friend who tries to drive wedges between me and people I care about," Bri said sarcastically. "Yeah, you're a real friend. You know what, Val? I'm done with you, so why don't you just leave?"

Val pouted. "You're making a huge mistake, Bri. You're gonna regret this. You know, one day, you'll wake up, and you'll see what a piece of shit Lea is, but I won't be there to help."

Lea gave Val an ugly look, and rolled her eyes. "Your mother should've swallowed you."

"She can't. Ivan already beat her to it."

"Ewww," Sméagol mumbled in disgust.

"You disgusting slut," Lea mumbled.

"I think I'm gonna lose my lunch," said Damian.

"Eww, get out!" Bri shouted, opening the jello, and pouring it into her hand. "Oh, wait." Then, she threw it at Val's head. "Oops, sorry not sorry."

"Ewww! Fuck you all!" Val shrieked as she ran out of the room.

Everyone burst into laughter.

"Fuck you, too, you stupid bitch," said Gollum.

"Bye, Felicia!" Lea laughed. "Ugh, I can't believe I was ever her friend.

Gollum smiled at Lea. "See? I told you she was tricksy. I told you she was false."

"Yeah, well, on the bright side, that gross jello didn't go to waste," Bri joked.

Sméagol's RedeptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora