Chapter 19

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The next day, Lea slept in until noon. She was too upset to find the strength to get out of bed for a while. She finally got up in time for lunch. She got dressed, brushed her teeth and hair, did her business, grabbed her favorite blanket, and slowly made her way downstairs to the kitchen. As she was looking through her fridge for some food, the doorbell rang. "Who is it?!" she called. Since she lived alone, she was very cautious.

"It's Sméagol, Precious!"

She opened the door, and saw Sméagol standing there, holding a box. "Hey, Sméagol. What's up?"

"We wants to make sure Lea's alright."

Lea smiled. "I'm... trying to be."

"We brought it food."

"Wow, just in time. I was about to have lunch anyway. Come in."

Sméagol followed Lea into the kitchen.

"It's got a beautiful house," said Sméagol.


"Does it live here alone?"

"Yeah, but I live right next door to Bri and Damian. They always keep an eye out for me."

"That's good."

"So, what did you bring to eat?"

"Pizza and buffalo wings. Aini bought them at Ike's."

"Oh, awesome."

"Does it like it heated up?"

"Yeah, sure. You know how to use a microwave?"

"Yes. Aini showed us."

Lea reached into her cupboard, and grabbed two plates. Sméagol carefully put the food on the plates, and heated them individually.

While they waited for the food to heat, Lea's phone went off. "Oh, hold on," she said. "I'm getting a text." She turned on her phone, and tapped the "Messaging" icon.

"Messaging," her phone said.

She double-tapped the screen to open the app.

"Does it talk?" asked Sméagol.

"Yep," Lea replied. "My phone reads everything to me." She tapped the new message in the app. "Oh, shit. It's from Ivan. I'll read it after lunch." She turned her phone screen off, and placed it to the side while she and Sméagol sat down to a delicious meal.

Sméagol's RedeptionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon