Chapter 31

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One Friday afternoon, Bri found Lea sitting at her back porch table with a notebook and pen. She pulled up a seat, and sat across from her. "Hey, girl," she greeted. "Watcha doin'?"

"Trying to write a song," Lea replied.


"I'm totally blocked, though."

"Ugh, that sucks."

"Yeah. Like, I know what I wanna write about, but... the words won't come to me."

"Yep, been there."

"I hate Writer's Block."

"I know. Writer's Block is the Devil."

Lea scoffed in agreement.

"So, what are you trying to write about?"

Lea sighed heavily. "Sméagol."

"Oh," Bri said, immediately knowing what Lea meant. "You really like him, don't you?"

"A lot."

"I knew you did."

"How long have you known?"

"Since you two met. I knew there was something there."

Meanwhile, Aini found Sméagol in his room, listening to Celtic Woman. His mind was somewhere else. "Hey, Sméagol," she greeted.

Sméagol didn't respond for a second, until he realized Aini spoke to him. "Oh, hello, Aini," he said somberly.

"You okay?"

He nodded.

"You wanna talk about it?"

He didn't answer.

She sat next to him on the bed. "It's Lea, isn't it?"

Sméagol sighed heavily. "Yes, Precious. We thinks we're falling in love with her."

Aini snickered. "Oh, please. I know you're in love with her."

"How does it know?"

"Well, truth is, I've known for a while. From the way you reacted when you first heard her singing, I knew you felt something for her."

"What does we do? We've never felt this way before?"

"Well... I know it's easier said than done, but... tell her. Be honest with her."

"It's the way he treats me," Lea said to Bri. "The way he sings to me to comfort me, the way he's always hugging me and holding me, especially when I have a meltdown or emotional breakdown, the sweet things he says to me, his voice, everything about him, he's the sweetest, most beautiful guy I've ever met."

Bri smiled. "Yeah, he's an angel, isn't he?"

Lea beamed. "And, he's not bad to look at, either."

Bri giggled. "Yeah, he's pretty cute."

"Is it weird that I like both Gollum and Sméagol?"

"No. That means you like all of him, and you accept him the way he is, just like he accepts you for who you are."

Lea nodded.

"So, what are you gonna do? Are you gonna tell him?"

"Ugh, I don't know," Lea moaned. "I want to, but... I'm scared."

"Yeah, I understand. You've been hurt so many times that you're afraid it'll happen again."

"Well... yeah, but... I'm afraid I'll hurt him."

"How could you possibly hurt him?"

"Like I hurt Ivan... and James... and all the others."

"Oh, Sweetie." Bri slid her chair next to Lea, and put her arm around her. "You didn't hurt them. They hurt you. They were the ones who left you."

"Because, I obviously did something."

"No, they left you, because they are all a bunch of cowards. Things got tough, and instead of sticking it out, they ran away. But, you were there for them when they needed you. You loved them, and you were loyal and faithful to them. They couldn't do the same for you, and that is on them. It is not your fault that you are the way you are. It's not your fault that you're so sensitive, and you don't handle things like others. You did nothing wrong. They were the ones who couldn't accept you. Anyone who says it's your fault can go fuck themselves."


"And, Lea, I've said this before, and I'll say it again. I have known you for five years, and you have never, ever, ever done anything to hurt me. You have never hurt Damian. You have been an amazing friend to both of us, and you are an amazing friend to Sméagol. You won't hurt him. He's seen you at your worst, and he has never been bothered by it. He cares about you so much, and I think he likes you back. In fact, I know he does. I see the way he lights up around you. Trust me."

Just then, Lea's phone rang with Sméagol's ringtone.

"Oh, speak of the angel."

Lea answered. "Hey, Sméagol."

"Hi, Precious," Sméagol said timidly.

"What's up?"

"Well... we was wondering... would it like to go on a date with us?"

Lea's face lit up like a Christmas tree, and she tried not to scream from excitement. "Yes!" she squeaked.

Bri laughed.

Then, Lea cleared her throat, trying to calm herself down. "I mean, yes, I would love to go out with you, Sméagol."

"Yes? You go out with us?!"

"Yes!" Lea giggled giddily. "Yes."

"Yes!" Sméagol squeaked.

Lea kept giggling. "So, when do you wanna go out?"


"Okay, tonight is perfect. I'll see you then."

"Alright, Precious. Sméagol see you tonight."

Lea hung up the phone, pressed her hands against her mouth, and screamed excitedly.

Bri laughed gleefully. "See? I told you he likes you!"

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