Chapter 27

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Sméagol and Bri stayed with Lea for the rest of the day to make sure she would be okay. The three of them spent the day watching movies, funny YouTube videos, and even one of Celtic Woman's concert DVDs.

"Is that your favorite blanket, Precious?" asked Sméagol, referring to the soft, crochet blanket Lea was hugging, the same blanket she had the day before when she had that horrible meltdown.

"Yeah, it's my favorite sweater blanket," said Lea.

"Sweater blanket?"

"That's what I call it, because it feels like a sweater."

"I made that blanket for her," said Bri.

"Oh," said Sméagol. "It does a lovely job making sweater blanketses, Precious."

"Well, thank you."

Sméagol rubbed his hand over the blanket. "It's so soft and warm."

"And, tickly and fluffy and cuddly and fuzzy and snuggly," Lea said in a silly voice.

"Oh, yes, very tickly," Sméagol giggled.

"Hey, Lea, did you tell Sméagol the sweater story?" asked Bri.

"The sweater story?" Sméagol inquired. "What's the sweater story, Precious?"

"Oh, it's the cutest thing. Tell him, Lea."

Lea grinned. "Okay, well, I've loved sweaters and sweatery things since I was a baby, so... when I first learned to talk, every time I would see someone wearing a sweater, I would go up to them, touch their sweaters, and go 'Sweeeeeaaaaaterrrrr!" she said in a cute, squeaky voice, "may I hug your sweeeaaaterrr?'"

Sméagol and Bri giggled.

"Awww, it's so precious!" Sméagol laughed.

Bri laughed softly. "She is just the cutest, isn't she?"

"Yes, very cute."

"Yeah, she loves sweaters, and she loves sweater hugs."

"Yeah," said Lea, "like, if you hug me with a fluffy sweater, that's like the best hug ever, because it feels like I'm hugging a giant teddy bear."

"Yep, she loves big fluffy sweater hugs, and if she ever calls you 'sweatery,' that is the biggest compliment you can ever get from her. Like, ever."

"Because, I'm comparing you to a soft, fluffy sweater, and when I say something or someone is sweatery, I mean they're awesome or just anything good or whatever."

Sméagol giggled, wrapping the sweater blanket around Lea, and giving her a big hug. "Big fluffy sweater hugs for Lea."

"Awww, you're so cu—" Bri was suddenly interrupted by a hiccup and a loud belch.

They all laughed out loud.

"It's so funny when you burp!" Lea laughed.

"Oh, please!" Bri scoffed, still laughing. "It's even funnier when you burp. Have you ever heard Lea burp?"

"Nope," Sméagol replied.

"Oh! You gotta hear this! Lea, burp for him."

"Okay." Lea swallowed a bunch of air, and then, released it in a loud, thunderous belch.

Bri and Sméagol burst out laughing.

"Bless us and splash us, Precious!" Sméagol exclaimed. "Where did that come from?!"

Bri laughed even harder. "Don't ask me! I've known her for five years, and I'm still trying to figure that out!"

"She burpses louder than Sauron!"

Lea and Bri were in tears from laughing so hard.

"Can you burp loud?" Lea asked.

"Well, let's see." Sméagol swallowed a bunch of air, and also let out a loud, thunderous belch.

"Holy shit, Sméagol!" Bri shrieked with laughter. "How can such a loud noise come out of such a little body?!"

Lea was on the floor laughing. "Oh, my gosh!" she cried. "That was freaking awesome! You traumatized the neighbors, Sméagol! Oh, my God, I'm dead!"

Sméagol laughed loudly.

"Oh, man, that was funny!" Lea said, trying to catch her breath. "I find burps and farts hilarious."

"Me, too!" Sméagol agreed, still laughing.

"Like, when Damian farted yesterday," added Bri, "and I sprayed his butt."

"That was freaking hilarious," said Lea.

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