Chapter 23

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Just then, they all felt a vibration in the couch, and heard a loud rumble.

Bri jokingly gave Damian a sinister look. "How dare you," she growled. "You disgusting, vile human being, you."

Lea snickered.

"What did it do?" asked Sméagol.

"He farted in the couch!" Bri exclaimed. "Now, it's gonna stink, and the smell is gonna linger forever!"

"Oh, please," Damian teased, rolling his eyes. "It's not gonna linger forever."

Sméagol and Lea started laughing.

"Damian, no, you don't understand the traumatic effect your farts have on me! You don't understand how rancid and pungent and stinky your farts are!"

Sméagol and Lea burst into loud laughter.

Then, Bri caught a whiff of the pungent air. "Oh, shit, Damian! What the actual fuh?!" She got up from her seat, making gagging sounds. "Ewwwww!"

"Oh, please, it doesn't smell that bad!" Damian joked. "Wuss!"

"I have a very sensitive nose! How can you be so insensitive to the sensitivity of my sensitiveness of my poor fragile nose?!"

Lea and Sméagol continued laughing, and also caught a whiff of Damian's fart.

"Oh, Jesus Tap-Dancing Christ!" Lea exclaimed.

"Oh, it's nasty!" Sméagol shrieked, still laughing. "It burns us! It burns our nose!"

"See?!" Bri called from the kitchen. "I told you it was bad!" She came back into the living room with a can of air freshener. "Sméagol has lived for hundreds of years, Damian! He has probably smelled things, really stinky, gross, disgusting smells, and if he says your fart stinks, you should freaking listen!"

"It smells worse than orcses filth!" Gollum laughed.

"Well, um, I don't know what an orcses is," said Damian.

"Orcses filth is the worst thing we ever smelled, until now!" Gollum joked.

Damian laughed. "Okay, I'll take your word for it."

The friends all laughed long and hard as Bri sprayed thee air.

"Get up," she said to Damian.

Damian stood up.

Bri sprayed his seat. Then, she sprayed his butt.

"What the hell?!"

They all continued laughing loudly, long, and hard. After a few minutes, they all finally calmed back down.

"I don't know how you guys do it," Lea said, trying to catch her breath, "but whenever I'm feeling like total shit, you always make me laugh again."

"Well, you did the same for us," said Bri.

"We figured we oughta return the favor," said Damian.

"That was fun," Sméagol said gleefully.

"Yeah, that was awesome," Lea agreed, "much needed."

Sméagol's RedeptionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora