Chapter 61

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So, that evening, Aini helped Damian and Bri prepare a great Christmas dinner of ham, turkey, prime rib, stuffing, roast potatoes, macaroni and cheese, green bean casserole, and deviled eggs. They had just finished cooking the food when people finally started showing up.

"Mommy!" Bri cried in an adorable, innocent voice, running to her mother, and giving her the biggest hug.

"Hi, Bri!" Bri's mother greeted happily.

"Where's Mike?"

"He's getting the presents out of the car."

"I'm here!" Mike announced, carrying a stack of gifts in his arms.

"Oh, let me help you with that," said Aini, taking some of the gifts, and placing them under the tree.

"Thanks," said Mike.

"Sméagol? Gollum? Aini?" said Bri. "This is my mom, Kathy, and my step-dad, Mike."

"Hi," said Aini. "It's so nice to meet you." She reached out, and politely shook hands with Mike and Kathy.

"It's very nice to meet you, too, Aini," said Kathy.

"And, this must be Sméagol... and Gollum," Mike said with a grin on his face.

"It's very nice to meet you two," said Sméagol.

"Yes," Gollum agreed, "very, very nice."

"Bri's told us so many good things about you," said Kathy.

"She talks about you a lot, too," said Gollum.

"Yes, she says you're wonderful," Sméagol said sweetly.

Mike and Kathy smiled at each other.

"Thank you," said Kathy. "Did she make you that onesie?"

"Yes," said Gollum, "with Aini's help."

"It's adorable."

"Hi," Lea greeted, hugging Mike and Kathy.

"Hi, Lea," Kathy said happily. "Oh, you look beautiful in that sweater dress."

Lea was wearing her new sweater dress. No, not the nightdress, the other one. "Thanks. Bri made it."

"It's beautiful."

"Yep, and very sweatery," Mike joked.

Lea laughed. "And, tickly," she said in a silly voice.

Kathy giggled, rubbing Lea's sweater sleeve.

Then, the doorbell rang again.

"Oh, those are our new friends, Madilyn and Adam and their daughter, Meredith," said Bri as she headed for the door.

"Oh, the one with cancer?" said Mike.

Damian nodded.

"Poor thing," said Kathy.

"Hi!" Madilyn greeted everyone as she walked in with Adam and Meredith following behind.

"Hi, Madilyn," said Kathy. "I've heard so much about you. I'm Kathy, Bri's mom, and this is my husband, Mike."

"Hi, Kathy and Mike," said Madilyn. "This is my husband, Adam, and my daughter, Meredith."

Kathy smiled at Meredith. "Well, hi, Meredith. It's so nice to meet you.

"Hi, Mrs. Bri's Mom," Meredith greeted.

Bri and Kathy laughed softly.

"Just call me Kathy."

"Meredith!" Sméagol exclaimed, throwing his arms around Meredith, and picking her up, kissing her cheek. "Awww, my little precious."

Meredith smiled. "I like your bunny outfit."

Sméagol giggled. "Thank you, Precious. We likes it, too. Come. We go sit on the couch together." He carried her over to the couch, and sat down, holding her on his lap.

"Aww," said Kathy, "he's so sweet to her."

"Yeah, he's her guardian angel," said Madilyn. "He was so unbelievably sweet to her when we met him at the hospital. It was when we found out her prognosis, and she was really upset and scared, and he came over and comforted her. He even sang to her."

Kathy smiled warmly. "Aww, what a sweetie."

"I know," Bri agreed. "He's so sweet to everybody. He's been a great friend to me and Damian, and the most amazing boyfriend to Lea."

"And, what about Gollum?" asked Mike.

"He is just as sweet," said Lea. "He's a little more candid with his thoughts and feelings, but I like that about him. And, he's so funny. I just... I just love him, all of him. He's a God-sent."

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