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the cab arrived at the restaurant, chan paying the fare and the two of them exiting.

"oh this is still up?" chan questioned the younger, shocked that the restaurant was still going. "apparently. let's go in. they're waiting for us at our table." the two walked in, hand in hand. felix scanned the large room for his parents, spotting them in the middle. chan saw them too, feeling quite nervous. felix turned to him and flashed him a smile. "don't worry honey. they already love you." chan smiled before they both walked over to their table.

"yongbokkie!" his mother exclaimed, standing up to hug her son. "you must be chan. it's a pleasure to meet you." mr lee spoke, shaking chans hand. "it's a pleasure to meet you too mr lee." he said, sitting down next to felix. "don't be so formal with us sweetie. you can call us mum and dad." mrs lee said with a smile. "yeah channie. they know who are you so just relax." felix assured the older, squeezing his hand.

"so chan," mr lee started, "what parts of here did you live in?" he asked as they all looked though the menu. "ah my family moved around a lot when we moved here but they stay in greenacre currently." he said, glancing up at felixs' father.

"oh why don't you take yongbok to go meet them before you leave? i'm sure he would love to meet them as well." mrs lee said with joy, smiling between her son and chan. felix became flustered at the thought of meeting chans parents. he's heard a few stories about his family but that's about it.

chan isn't too fond of his parents. although he loved them with all his heard and vice-versa, after he came out to them, that sorta dropped slightly. they didn't take it well except from
his sister and brother. it was after he auditioned for jyp, 4 years to be exact when he told them. they disowned him and barely showed his music any appreciation. he talks about his best memories with him but if his members ask him about them, he'll simply lie to not make any of them worried about him.

"i-i don't know. i haven't talked to them for years." he said, trying to end the conversation. "well then this is the best opportunity to catch up! you should surprise them while you're here!" she said, oblivious to chans tense demeanour. felix however noticed this and decided to change the subject.

"so has anything exciting happened lately?" he asked his parents just as a waiter came up to their table and took their orders.

"oh yeah! a new store opened up a few months back and it was selling your albums." "you should've seen how happy she was to see them. she even bought them." mr lee laughed, drinking his water.

the four of them talked for awhile as they ate their lunch.

they said their goodbyes and the couple was finally returned back to their hotel room. once they walked in, chan sighed and slumped himself down onto the couch. he was tired from the eventful day. felix walked over to him and sat on his lap, wrapping his arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.

"i'm sorry about them. they're not the best at knowing when to stop." felix laughed slightly. chan wrapped his arms around the others waist, nuzzling his face into his neck. "it's fine. just talking about my parents is a very touchy subject." felix pulled away slightly to gaze into his boyfriends eyes. "do you wanna talk about it?" chan smiled slightly, nodding. "yeah."

so he told him. he told him everything about his parents. they just stayed sat there, felix nodding and commenting on things he didn't understand or to give his thoughts to the older. when chan started to tear up just talking about it, felix would kiss him, telling him everything was okay.

once chan was done he leaned in, kissing his boyfriend more passionately than the others. felixs' hands ran through the elders hair, slightly tugging at it. chan bit down on his lip, pulling and sucking on it, the younger emitting a soft moan.

"w-wait." felix said through their kiss, cheeks flushed with red. chan stared into his eyes, the look of lust in the youngers eyes showed he was clearing turned on just as much as he was.

"let's take this to the bedroom."


ok so half(or full idk yet) of the next chapter will be smut so i'll tell you to skip like i promised soft stans

but i'm sorry if the smut is horrible

it's been months since i last wrote full on smut so good luck to me

ok so i might have to postpone the next chapter(the smut one) so no update on monday. i'm sorry. i'm very sick rn and i don't think i could make it readable

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