96 Hours

71 3 0

*This took a LONG time to write. But I am glad that I'm writing again! I will try and update the story in a few days, I honestly have no idea if I have plans this holiday. Nevermind that, I hope you like this chapter!*

DISCLAIMER: There will be swearing, this is also a human AU of Magnus and Alec and the rest of TMI characters.


'Where on Heavens is Magnus? It's been 5 minutes, he's NEVER late. Unless he wants a dramatic entrance, but not this time. We all planned to go on a trip to Bali, all six of us. Me, Jace, Redhead, Izzy, Sherman, and of course, Magnus. We've been planning this for about a month now, our flight was in 1 hour and we still haven't checked in!'.

I start to pace and worry. What if something happened to Magnus? It couldn't be, right? We all just had to take our own ways since we had different schedules. Jace and Clary arrived first, about 2 to 3 hours ago. I met up with Izzy and Simon on the way to the airport about an hour ago. Magnus hasn't even contacted or messaged any of us. My phone starts ringing and vibrating in my pocket. I quickly reach for it and see it was Magnus. I sigh in relief, at least now I know he's still alive.

"Hey, Alexander! I know I'm already late"  "Yes you are, where are you? Has something happened?", I keep questioning. "I'm perfectly fine, I'm almost there, don't worry"

"I'll be there in 10 minutes ok, Alexander? Traffic's a bitch right now. Tell the others I'll be late, love you!" "Alright be careful, I love you too". 

And that was the last time I've heard from him.


We canceled our flight and headed straight to me and Magnus' home. Everyone was worried about Magnus. He hasn't called or messaged any of us since our last phone call which was 3 hours ago. "Alec? Hey, it's gonna be okay. I'm sure the signal on Magnus' phone is bad. He'll be okay", Izzy tries to comfort me, giving me a pat on the back. I nod defeatedly, not completely convinced if Magnus was ok. No-one knew if he was ok. Maybe not even himself. 

"Simon, you're a tech geek right?", I ask, raising my right eyebrow. "Yeah, why?", he asks, already grabbing his laptop. "I know this is a bit much to ask but...I need you to try tracking Magnus". His eyes widen and switch his glance from me to Izzy with the same emotion. Izzy lifts her shoulders in confusion and they both turn to look at me.

 "Alec, I know he's been gone a little while without notice but is there really a need to track him?", Izzy burrows her brow. "I'm sorry but I'm worried. Really worried. Please, Simon?", he looks down at the floor for a second, thinking.  "Alright, I'll do it. I'll tell you if something bad happens", I nod, walking towards our bedroom and closing the door behind me. 

----------------3 hours later, 89 hours----------------

I wake up to an empty bed. No Magnus. No sunlight. Only the sounds of murmuring outside our bedroom door. I roll over to Magnus' side, checking the clock. 7:30 PM. I slept for over 4 hours. I groan quietly and get up, fixing the bed, walking out of the room. "Any news?", I ask as soon as I see Simon.

 Izzy was sitting next to him, drinking a cup of coffee. Jace and Clary were watching some reality TV show on the couch with Chinese takeaway in their hands. Simon shakes his head 'No' and looks back at the laptop. Izzy puts her mug filled with a black coffee on the table and walks up to me, giving me a tender hug. 

"He's gonna be fine. He's Magnus Bane, your amazing creative fashion designer boyfriend for goodness' sakes, I'm sure he just had a fashion emergency and maybe he forgot to inform any of us", Izzy pulls away, putting up a comforting smile. I give her a little smile back. Still not satisfied.

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