TMI Truth or Dare pt. 2

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"Izzy, truth or dare?" Clary questioned. "Dare!" Izzy said in excitement. "I dare you to put makeup on Simon", Clary squealed happily. Simon shook his head, almost like his head was about to fall off. Izzy grabbed Simon and took him to Magnus and Alec's bathroom. Izzy asked Magnus for permission, Magnus then nodded.

After 15 minutes, Simon and Izzy came out of the bathroom. They were all mocking Simon, Izzy sat down with the rest, laughing. Simon glared at Clary. "I will get my revenge!", Simon said angrily, pointing his index finger at Clary. 

"Alec, truth or dare", Simon asked, still annoyed at Clary. "Truth",  Alec said, trying not to laugh at Simon's odd makeup. "Is it true that Magnus is your first ever true love?" Simon asked in a curious tone. Magnus stood still, suddenly interested. Izzy and Clary were also both very curious. No", Alec tried to make a straight face, trying not to laugh. Magnus made a shocked face and looked away from Alec. Alec noticed him look away and moved closer to him. "I'm kidding, you're my first and my last", Alec said, hugging Magnus from behind, Alec's head on his shoulder. Magnus smiled brightly at Alec and kissed him on the cheek. The two girls sighed in awe as Jace rolled his eyes. "Hurry up Alec", Jace said impatiently. 

Alec and Magnus both rolled their eyes a Jace. "Fine, Jace truth or dare?" he asked with a slight evil chuckle. "Dare, duh", Jace said confidently. "Big mistake..", muttered Magnus. "I dare you to kiss two ducks", all of them except Jace was laughing. Magnus used his magic to make two Ducks appear out of nowhere in front of Jace. "AH!" Jace stood up and went behind the couch, terrified. "Cmon! I thought you were confident!", Magnus said, still laughing. Jace crept towards the ducks and hesitated but kissed them lightly anyway. Everyone busted out laughing. Jace sent Alec a death glare. "Just wait and see...", Jace then grabbed his phone and rang someone. 

Everyone looked at him curiously, Jace stood up and walked into the bathroom. "Who is he talking to?", Clary questioned them. Everyone shrugged and waited for Jace. After a few minutes, Jace came out of the bathroom. 

"Magnus! Dear Magnus..truth or dare?", Jace asked with an evil grin on his face. "Uh..dare?", Magnus and Alec were a bit scared of what Jace was thinking. "I dare you to spend 7 minutes in heaven with the person who comes through that door", Jace pointed at the main door. Everyone was so curious until the door suddenly opened. Everyone looked to see who it was. Camille suddenly appeared. "HELL NO! NEVER! EVER!", both Magnus and Alec were screaming at Jace. "It's a dare Magnus, this is also payback Alec", Alec sent him a death glare and let out a growl. "What is going on Jace Her-" Camille asked when she saw Magnus. "What a lovely surprise..", Camille said smirking. "Go ahead Magnus, it's a dare, you cannot go back on your word", Jace said with a grin. Alec stood up and went to go to Jace, suddenly, a hand stopped him. "Alexander it's gonna be fine..", Magnus said to Alec, trying to calm him down. Alec then looked back at the others and sighed, he sat down, still glaring at Jace. "Let's go, Camille..", Magnus sighed and led Camille to the closet. Camille followed him, as she winked at Alec who gave her a death stare.

In the closet, Magnus tried to back away from Camille as far as he could but Camille kept walking to him and pushed him against the wall. "Just like old times..", Camille smirked, Magnus had a terrified look on his face, just before Camille was about to kiss Magnus, the door of the closet suddenly opened. Alec pushed Camille to the other side. "Don't. Ever. Touch. What. You. Can't. Have.", Alec glared at her, Camille slightly scared and backed off. "Fine, I never liked you anyway Magnus", Camille said as she smirked and played with her hair, she then walked to the front door and exited out of the apartment.

Alec walked to Magnus with a concerned look on his face. "You ok?", Alec caressed Magnus' cheeks. Magnus nodded and kissed Alec on the lips. Alec let his hands fall from Magnus' cheeks to his waist, pulling him closer. Magnus' hand brushed through Alec's hair as Alec deepened the kiss. Magnus opened his mouth to grant permission for Alec as he slid his tongue into Magnus' mouth. Magnus moaned into the kiss softly. Alec slid his hands under Magnus' thighs and lifted him up against the wall, not breaking the kiss.

"Alec? Magnus?", Clary and Izzy both wandered into the apartment looking for them. They let go of each other and took deep breaths. "Y-yeah?", Magnus said shyly. "Oh, there you guys are!" Clary and Izzy both said happily. "Here we are..", both Magnus and Alec looked down at the floor with red flushed cheeks. Clary and Izzy then realized what was going on. "We were actually gonna say that we were gonna head back to our places, thanks for having us!", Clary and Izzy both chuckled at the situation. "Oh ok..we'll help you out", Alec and Magnus both took deep breaths and headed with Clarry and Izzy to the living room where they left Simon and Jace. 

"How were the 7 minutes with Camille?", Jace curiously asked with a smirk on his lips, he then noticed Alec's messy hair and Magnus' mucked up shirt. "I don't even wanna know", Jace made a disgusted face and headed for the door. "Let's go, guys!", Jace shouted from the door, trying to put his shoes on. Simon, Izzy, and Clary both chuckled. Simon put his shoes on and helped Izzy. Izzy smiled and took Simon's hand in hers. Jace helped Clary hold her stuff and took it down to the car. "We'll see you guys tomorrow?", asked Izzy. Magnus and Alec both nodded. "Great!", Simon said happily as they headed out the door, Magnus went to go lock the door behind them.

Before he could, he felt Alec's hands snake up to his waist and turned him around. Alec smirked as he kissed Magnus on the lips passionately. "There is no way we're not gonna continue", Alec said sliding his hands under Magnus' thighs and carried him to the bedroom.

*Hope you like TMI truth or dare!*

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