Magnus And Kieran's Backstory

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*I thought about doing a backstory. Thank you to @kaciegayle for thinking, really thinking about the story. Here is Magnus and Kieran's backstory*


Magnus has just arrived in Lose Angeles a few days ago. He was walking along the park, with a brown satchel along his side. "I didn't know Los Angeles had pretty lakes and ducks", he smiles. "Neither did I when I first came here", Magnus becomes alarmed and turns to who spoke up. "Sorry I startled you", the unknown boy smiles at Magnus. "It's..o-ok", Magnus looks back at the ducks, hiding his flushed face. "Are you new here?", the unknown boy asks. "Yeah, I came here just a few days ago", Magnus looks back at the mystery boy. "My name's Kieran Hale, welcome to Lose Angeles...Mr.?"  "Magnus, Magnus Bane. Nice to meet you, Kieran", they both smile and continue to talk. 


"Thank you for walking me back to my apartment", Magnus smiles at Kieran. "No need to thank me, I could ask you for a favor though", he asks. "What is it?"  "Would to, maybe go for a drink sometime? I understand completely if you don't wanna go-"  "I would love to!", Magnus cuts him off. "That's great! I'll pick you up maybe tomorrow at 5? If you're not too busy of course", he smiles. "Other than unpacking my luggage and boxes, I won't be that busy". "Cool cool, I'll see you later?", Kieran smiles. "Will do", Magnus smiles back and kisses Kieran on the cheek, he enters his apartment, closing his door behind him. Magnus hears a quiet 'Yes' behind the door. He smiles to himself and heads upstairs.


Magnus and Kieran decided to move in together. After a couple of months, Magnus didn't think this would ever happen. Being happy again, with another person other than Alec. He wonders what would have happened if he didn't move to Los Angeles. If he didn't meet Kieran. If he didn't go to the park on the same day Kieran did. 

"You ok Magnus? You seem to be in another world", Kieran chuckles. "Yeah I'm ok, I'm just thinking of what life would be like if I didn't move here. If I didn't meet you"  "That's quite a good question but not good enough for your pretty head to be spending ages to think about". Magnus smiles and kisses Kieran. "Such a cheesy guy"  "Correction! Your cheesy guy", they both laugh and snuggle on the couch. "Still cheesy".

*There you go! That is basically how Kieran and Magnus ended up meeting each other and here's a little bit of their story. I decided to make it short because I am planning to continue this story! I'm still planning on when I will write the next chapter but we'll see for now. Have a good day and I hope this gave you more information about the two*
                                                                                                                             -your local author *-*

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