How could you... Pt. 2

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*Heeeeelllloooo, this is le second part of 'How could you..' so enjoy :)*

"Oh poor boy, did Magnus leave you all alone?", Camille walks up to him and runs a finger through the side of his face. Alec swats her finger away and gives her a disgusted look, even though he was drunk, he was sober enough to know what was going on around him. "Ouch, now..why would your dear boyfriend leave you all alone? You look like a lost about I help you?", Camille flashes him a smirk but Alec just stands up and tries to walk away, stumbling. His vision was going blurry and he was getting more dizzy. "Get..away..from me..!", Alec shouts at Camille. Camille chuckles evilly. "Everything will be fine..", she carries him and leads him into another room.


I come back to the bar but Alec was nowhere in sight. I begin to worry and asks the bartender if she knew where he was. The bartender shrugs and nods apologetically. I stumble through the dance floor, the lounge, he was nowhere to be seen. I tried calling him and texting him but no answer. Just when I started to head out to look for Alexander, I see a black door. That was weird, I've never noticed that door before. I walk up to it slowly and open it, inside was a hall full of doors. I could hear groaning and panting. I ignore the noises and try to listen to Alexander's voice. As I walk through the hall, I hear groaning. Very familiar couldn't be. Without thinking, I open the door and see what I could never have possibly thought of in my life.


I didn't know what I was doing. One moment, I was sitting on a stool in the bar waiting for Magnus, and now, now..I'm in a room with my boyfriend's ex. Alone. She was kissing me endlessly, she was on my lap, I was sitting on a couch. I tried to stop her but my head was still dizzy and my vision was still blurry as before. Suddenly, the door opens and I see a man figure. I blinked a few times and see Magnus, standing in front of the door, his eyes were wet, I could see him crashing down. I push Camille away and button up my shirt. Magnus mutters something under his breath and starts to run for the door. I shout his name as I run after him. I catch up to him right after he goes through the door. I grab his arm and try to slow him down but he yanks my hand away and continues to run. "MAGNUS, PLEASE LET ME EXPLAIN". I was shouting, still running after him, how could I possibly be this stupid? I would never cheat on Magnus, EVER. "Just leave me alone Alec, I don't want to see you right now". He calls out to me as he stops running and stands still but doesn't face me. I stop, a few meters away from him. "Magnus, I swear, it's not what it looks ok? Just please let me ta-" "NO, I don't want to hear anything from you..I'm just gonna go home..don't come back home tonight", Magnus says as he continues to walk back to his apartment. He opens up a portal and walks through. I crash down, right on the stop, landing on my knees. I cover my eyes with my hands as I cry into them. What have I done...

*Hey peeps, you must be angry at me right now for cutting you short but I promise, I will give you a part 3. Poor Magnus, Poor Alec. I'm not much of cutting or suicidal thoughts kind of person when it comes to stories but Idk, we'll see, have a l0v3ly day*

                                                                                                                                -Your local author *-*

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