Forgive Me Magnus Pt.3

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*So, as many of you have seen the author's note. I am supposed to be writing another book. Well, that book is quite a bit of a handful so it'll take long. In the meantime!  I will be writing a few one-shots but the updates will be slower since I've got the book, school work, homework and lots of other things. But don't let that stop you from giving me suggestions and feedback! Enjoy the 3rd part of 'Forgive me, Magnus'. This might be a bit short since I haven't had the time to write, sorry!*


'Well then, hello dear self. Here you are at your former boyfriend's wedding. That's right self! You let Magnus go and now years later, he's getting married. Isn't a bit selfish to still like the same guy that YOU cheated on? That YOU let go? Magnus deserves to be happy, after what I did to him. Now we're back to being friends, he has Kieran, and I have...well, I have myself'.

I snap out of my thoughts as Izzy continuously snaps her fingers right in front of my face. "Wake up sleepy head! Time to dress up and get ready for Magnus' wedding", I grunt and sigh. "Oh stop being a lazy baby and get dressed! I didn't plan their wedding for nothing, now did I? And Maybe you'll meet someone new instead of you drooling over the same person"  "Excuse you. I am NOT drooling over anyone. I just, don't want to be in a relationship, you know?", I grab my tux from my closet that Izzy gave me yesterday.

 "Right...because the only person that you loved in the whole wide world is getting MARRIED. Alec, you know I ship you both so so much! Not even kidding but you need to let go and bring yourself back to reality". I nod and give her a small smile, gesturing for her to leave so I can change.


"Kieran this is so beautiful! Oh my goodness!", Magnus screams in excitement. I walked along the sidewalk that was decorated with petals of Sunflowers. Candles were dimly lit and placed on the edges of the sidewalk. At the end of the sidewalk came a table set for two. A bouquet placed in the middle of the table. Tall lit candles on the table, right next to the flowers. 

"All the best for you, Magnus"  "Such a romantic", we both laugh and walk towards the table

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"All the best for you, Magnus"  "Such a romantic", we both laugh and walk towards the table. He pulls out a chair for me to sit down. I place my hand right above my chest, where my heart was placed and awwed. "Thank you", I smile and sit down. He takes the other chair and sits down. 

**************************ABOUT AN HOUR LATER************************

"Magnus? What would you see us as in the next...year?", Kieran asks. "I would see us. Being together, maybe on a date or doing something else. Just something that's with you", I chuckle and lean my head against his shoulder. He wraps his arms around my waist as we stand on the yellow sand on the beach. I admire the sunset and keep my focus on the roaring waves.


I unwrap my arms around Magnus and take the dark charcoal box with gold linings on the edges that contain the ring and kneel on one knee. Magnus turns around and his eyes widen, his jaw hung low. "Magnus Bane. You know I suck at speeches. But I do know that you know that I love you, so much. I want to grow old with you, maybe even have kids, have our own official house. Anything, wherever it leads, whether we fight or we go through some tough patches, I just know I want it to be with you, and only you. So, Magnus Bane, will you marry me, Kieran Hale", I smile, taking a deep breath.

"Yes oh my god yes! I will, I love you!", he screams and helps me stand up. I put the silver diamond ring with gold rose band in his ring finger. I put the box in my pocket and kiss him, full on the lips. "I love you too".

*HEY GUYS! Sorry, I had to end it here, I have to really go to sleep. It's past midnight and it's a weekday. I hope you enjoyed that little chapter, I don't know when part 4 is coming out or will be written but I will see you guys another time. Have a good night/day!*
                                                                                                                                 -your local author *-*

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