1| There's No Place Like Home

Start from the beginning

My life was changed forever from then on.

I had woken up in the hospital with some broken bones, but otherwise I was lucky to be alive. My dad was there when I awoke, looking completely heartbroken; I'll never forget the look on his face. He was the one to inform me that the 3 of us had been in a car crash. Someone had lost control of their car during the storm, ran through a red light, and completely T-boned our car. Since it was on the driver's side, my mother and sister didn't make it.

Obviously, I went through a lot back then. My life as I knew it was over, and my father and I were completely devastated. Not to mention the survivors guilt I felt every day on top of the loss. We found our way together though... my dad was my rock, and I did everything in my power to be his.

There were some lasting scars for me, of course. Certain activities I used to enjoy just didn't seem right without Addy, I became a little more closed off; and, to this day,  I was freaked out by thunder storms. A huge piece of my heart was lost that day, but I realized that that's just life, and it isn't always fair.

Not to be a complete downer; Although I was completely lost for a while, I found my way, and I'd come to accept what had happened. I knew I would always have my mom and sister with me in my heart and watching over me.

"Em?" Mel asked, pulling me out of my thoughts of the accident.

I shook my head, "Sorry. Yes, I'm fine. I would just like to be with my dad tonight, that's all."

"I totally get it. I do. I think Landon is gonna miss you there though," Mel said with a wink.

A blush spread over my cheeks. Landon was Henry's roommate. He was cute, I'd give him that, but he and I had gone on a few dates before, and honestly, we just didn't have that romantic spark; or at least I didn't feel it.

I wasn't sure if the accident affected this aspect of my life, but I just had a hard time getting close to people. I knew I was decently good looking: long curly blonde hair, small button nose, bright blue-green eyes, olive skin, athletic build, and I stood about 5'5." The problem was, after the accident, I learned how quickly someone can disappear from my life, and because of this, I was kind of closed off. I had friends and was nice to everyone, so it wasn't like I was unpopular or a loner, but I wasn't prom queen material either. Guys had shown interest in the past, but I'd be lying if I said I ever felt a romantic connection with anyone before, no matter how much I craved one.

"Landon will be fine. He could have any girl he wants," I stated flatly.

Mel scoffed, "Yeah, aside from you."

Just then, the barista brought out our coffees. We gave her a quick "thank you" before turning back to our conversation.

"I gave him a chance. I really do like him, but I don't have those romantic feelings for him. I'm starting to think I never will for anyone," I admitted. I took a quick sip of my coffee, slightly burning my tongue in the process.

"That's not true," Mel interjected, "He just isn't the right one."

"I suppose," I agreed. I didn't actually believe it, though. I knew the trauma from my past had probably ruined this aspect for me for good. "We should probably get started on our homework if we wanna finish. I want to leave for my dad's in 2 hours."

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