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A/N: This is not included in the flow of the story. Not really a scary chapter (for me), but Happy Halloween! :)

       "YEOL, I BEG YOU. DON'T. FUCKIN'. LEAVE. ME." i almost cracked my voice, holding tightly onto Chanyeol's sleeve. It was already 8 in the evening and we are still at school after having some really long community service around the campus. We got punished when a professor caught me throwing eggs at Min SoRa's locker, and vandalizing it as well. Honestly, i don't regret it at all. She and her fucking boys beat up Baekhyun because of me, that's why. I'd rather clean up this entire place than apologize for what i did. NO WAY IN HELL WOULD I DO THAT.

    And what is Park Chanyeol doing in this school with me?

  Well, his stupidity is the reason. When the professor was lecturing me, he passed by, and asked what is happening. The professor told him what's happening and asked if he knows about this. It's obvious he wasn't listening because he was too focused on staring at the awesome mess i've made on the bitch's locker. 

  "You are her close friend, do you know something about this? Or perhaps, participated on this violation? The vandals are already there even before she started throwing eggs on it."

    I nudged Chanyeol and he slightly flinched, his large, round eyes quickly directing back towards the professor. "Neh?"

   The professor sighed. "I won't repeat it."  Chanyeol glanced at me for help. I sighed and mouthed 'say no.' If i speak up, that would be disrespectful and i am not really a fan of double punishments.

  "No?" Chanyeol answered unsurely. The professor narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him, but let him pass. 

  "You may go. And you, Miss troublemaker, have to come with me." She said. I sighed but nodded. I have manners to people who deserve some of it, you know. We were about to go when Chanyeol grabbed some marker from his pocket and started adding vandals on the locker.

  "Cool. This will be a masterpiece when i get my hands on---"

"Park Chanyeol and Park Seonhwa, to the office!!"

 We were sentenced to a long commnity service that time. I just shrugged, quite relieved that Chanyeol was with me until the service ends. And when they meant long community service, it meant three to five hours of cleaning.

  And we started at 3 in the afternoon. Shit, right?

      I glared at Chanyeol once we got out of the office with a broom on my hand and a mop and bucket on Chanyeol's. "Seriously, Yeol? Why are you so stupid? You just got the situation worse  and hell, you did it when the professor is around!"

   Chanyeol gave me a wacky smile. "I thought she didn't saw it since you two are walking already? But oh well, isn't my stupidity helping you? At least you're not the only one suffering this." he said. I softened at his statement. Well, he s right.

   "I never though a stupid friend is one of the best things in the world." I grinned playfully, and he laughed loudly at me.

   I guess, this wasn't bad at all.

   And then after we cleaned up, there was a call from his parents that he needed to go home immediately to help his father at the garage. Normally, i would thank him and let him go, but since we finished at evening, and God knows how the school is freaking creepy at night, i don't care about his call anymore. Everything's a bullshit.



   "Seon," he groaned, holding my shoulders tight. "I'm really sorry but i have to go. My parents rarely ask for help from me, and it will be disrespectful if i decline on this."

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