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Hello again! I'm sorry if this isn't an update, but i want to tell you a lot of things so we wont have any confusions and misunderstandings!

First, thank you for the support. I will absolutely continue writing this ff till the end, thanks to your support. :)))

Second, you all know my UDs are slow, right? WHY? Aside from being a busy college student, MY PHONE IS IN COMATOSE. My battery gave up and i,m still in the process of buying one. I'm so lonely without my phone T.T

Maybe you have things in your mind like 'why not use laptop or computer or a tablet for a while?' My answer is this. My tablet is so uncomfy to type on, and our laptop is used almost everytime by my busy working omma. Other than that, we're not rich so we don't have a lot of gadgets. So my phone is the best choice and's currently unavailable.

Third, originally this fic is planned to have 21 chapters only, but then things change and i think i'll extend more to be able to explain the story better. keke

Fourth, you see dedications, right? If you are a supporter and you don't see your name there, don,t worry. I've listed every person who have been supportive on this fic and as i update i'm gonna dedicate it to each and everyone of you. You're on the list, i will never ever forget you all lololol

Fifth, i love exo lmao i'm done with my words. xD I'm very thankful for you all if you will understand me. :) /gives you big hugs with some bubble tea/

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