Days 29-32

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A/N: Yeorubun, this  fanfic is nearing its end. Advanced thank you to all who supported this <3 

The following chapters will reveal each of the day's highlights. I hope you still enjoy reading it :)


  DAY 29

      "Sehun, i can't see half of your face."

   After the dramatic farewell yesterday, Sehun and i went for a temporary solution against missing someone, a.k.a Skype. I wasn't the type to go social networking, but yeah yeah, because of Sehun, i have to create an account. Jane's different. She's an old soul who sends us letters once in a month. It's kinda cool.


"I can only see half of your face. From your lips down to your long chin." i sighed.

  "But isn't this sexy? Aha! You are fantasizing my innocent lips---"

"Dammit, Sehun! I am not admiring your lips!" I retorted. "How could i do that when i already have Baekhyun in my heart?"

   "Ouch man. Why are you so heartless? Telling about your feelings for another guy to someone who still likes you!" He dramatically answered, half of his face still unseen.

  "Oh, don't act so dramatic. We already talked about this. Go find yourself a chic because your handsomeness is a waste if you don't."

"I don't look for her, Seon. She will find me." Sehun defended.


"Ha! Well, goodluck waiting for the one, loser." I teased.

   "Ha! You are on a one-sided love, so you're a loser too!" He teased back. This asshole.

"So, before i end this video call will you please rearrange your face so i could see clearly?" I rolled my eyes.

  "Wait a minute." He replied, rotating the camera into different directions. "How's this?"

"Sehun." I sighed again, shaking my head. "That's only your eyes."

  "Which part of my face do you like the most?" he randomly asked.

"Eh?" I said, taken aback. "Err..your eyes?"


  "See? So you should be contented with my eyes only seen in this video!" He reasoned out. How childish this asshole was!

"Yah, can you not do this? When i say your face, your whole face you moron!!" I half-shouted, already losing my patience.

   "No, no, no. I may like you but you do not own me so i can do what i want." Sehun answered, successfully making my fuse break. "Just eyes. Eyes."


   Oh well, fuck.

   "Fine, you asshole." I answered impatiently. "I have to go to school now." i said, standing up.

"Whoa wait wait wait!! Why would you go? The semester ended already!" Sehun groaned, eyebrows furrowing on the screen. I wanna laugh but i fought the urge to.

  "Oppa and Chanyeol are in their graduation rehearsal. I have to support them." I smirked. "See ya whenever, asshole!" His still poker face was the last thing i saw before the call got forcefully ended by me. I finally laughed.

  That's what you call revenge.

p.s. -Although, i'm not satisfied with our chat because i wanted to see his damn face. *pouts* Shit! Who taught me to fucking pout?!

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