Day 8

971 31 13

A/N: The way Luhan rides the cable car xD I can relate. (Ep.7)


  The usual peaceful life routine i was having for the rest of my life turned out to be a messy one. Do you know how it became that terrible?

I'll tell you a fuckin' story. (sarcastically xD)

Title: Seonhwa's Terrible Life

Characters: Me, and the rest of the shitty people

Plot: Park Seonhwa is having that usual quiet life of hers when main cause of all these karma Luhan a.k.a Chinese bastard came into her life, claiming them as cousins. Bringing more people in her life, it was good-for-nothing at all. Well, there's the loud Park Chanyeol, the wimpy Byun Baekhyun, and the cool guy Huang ZiTao. Okay, maybe he did bring people who aren't as annoying and were actually to her liking, but the fact that Min Sora, a school Queenka who is madly inlove with the main cause just made the eyeliner girl's life worse. Worse because, everytime she caught sight of him, she will do anything to get close to him. And when she did, Luhan asks for help from the one and only person who can do anything she wants, none other than main character Park Seonhwa. But things will always repeat, and it will be a usual routine.

And with the exception of having a quality time with Huang ZiTao and her eyeliners, Park Seonhwa hated everything that is happening in her life.

And there's no ending.

It will never end, much to your dismay.


Woah, my thoughts are really something.

  I briefly checked my eyeliners as we walked towards the school garden. Luhan decided to take us to a different and more peaceful place to eat lunch, but i know there's no such word as peaceful when the Chinese guy's around.

  "Forget that i've said this is peaceful." Luhan panickly hissed. We all turned to the direction he was looking and i smirked, unlike the others, surprised. Why should i? It's like Luhan loves everything in this world but Min Sora.

  When Sora started to walk towards our wooden table, i just noticed that i was still standing. Rolling my eyes, i went to grab the nearest seat but then Sora quickly occupied it, which was beside Luhan's. I shrugged and sat beside Chanyeol's seat, and he pinched my right cheek, him earning a slap on the shoulder from me. Jane was giggling at us as she was sitting on the other side of Chanyeol.

   "Oppa, can i have lunch here with you? Don't worry,  i'll behave today." Sora cooed. I admit that she looked kind and adorable when she did aegyo like that. I even side-glanced at Chanyeol whose mouth is slightly open. I shook my head and continued watching the other two.

  "You better." Luhan coldly replied, and i meant cold. Wow, it did hurt a bit to hear those words in that tone. But Sora nodded, and started eating, too. I was about to eat when i caught the Chinese guy mouthing 'get her out' at me. I stuck out my tongue at him and continued eating. After a few seconds i felt the phone inside my jacket vibrating. Sighing, i took it out and received a message:

  Msg: Deer Oppa (Actually the original was Chinese Pervert but he saw it accidentally and changed his PB name on my phone)

   Yah. If you don't rescue me here, i can just announce here your undying love for Huang ZiTao.

I sighed in defeat. That's enough to scare me.

  Taking a gulp of water, i turned to Sora who's busy supressing her squeals now that she's beside Luhan. "Sora-ya, can we change seats for awhile? Gotta tell my couz about somethin'." I coolly said. Sora looked kind of disappointed, but nonetheless stood up to change seats with me. When i sat beside Luhan, he mouthed a thank you to me and it seems as if his breathing becomes normal again.

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