Day 18

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A/N: School is starting. Expect slower updates. :/ kkaebsong~


  "Can we really feel the emotions of a text message?"

   "I-- sorry?" I asked, drifting off from my staring-out-on-space game. Must've been the effect of a sleepless night last night.

  "Seon, you're totally spacing out." Jane frowned but worried at the same time. "I've been repeating what i've last said for already five times and you're not listening."

  "Well as you can see," i pointed at my outfit. "I am still on my pajamas and you are banging at our door this early 6:30 A.M.!"

  Jane crossed her arms and i mentally groaned because why is she still as gorgeous looking as ever on whatever she does? Seriously? Life is so unfair! T-T "It's not like you're not used to waking up this early when i usually call you on phone! And yah, you're the type who space out because you're thinking of something deeply!"

  Alright, i give up. /sighs/

"I'm sorry. It's nothing just--" I sighed defeatedly and crossed my legs, turning to face Jane from the edge of my bed where she's sitting. "Okay. Tell me again and i'll listen."

  "Fine." Jane sighed and cleared her throat. I wanted to slap myself because Jane came here to let out her rants, and i'm supposed to be listening and giving her advice. "I said, Chanyeol and i had a small argument the day after the celebration." she paused for a while. My eyes widened in shock. I didn't know she's telling me a serious problem awhile ago while i, am being the selfish bitch thinking of my own problems! "We were talking about our relationship and i brought up the topic of long-distance relationship, and you know why." I nodded. Kim Jane originally lived in the U.S., and she only lives at her Aunt's house(aka mansion) here in Korea. She'd been here for long, but of course, her guts might want to taste nostalgia again. So usually during the months of October to January, she's off to U.S. It's quite lonely without my friend honestly, but i've gotten used to it. She comes back anyway.

But things change. And Jane might want to just stay there for a longer time.

"And then at first he was cool with it, but when i said i might stay for long, he was upset. He thought i was indirectly calling for a breakup." She continued, a visible frown on her face. She's so strong. If i were on her place, i would've cried myself to sleep. "We argued about our different reasons and we ended up silent until he drove me home. Then i tried texting him, and he only had one reply.

He said 'i'm fine. I can manage.' What the hell does that mean? I have a gut feeling that he was really upset about it and that he might sound cold enough." I read his text on her phone. No emoticons, no punctuation marks. As plain as that of a reply.

  "I think he's not angry at all. He's just using his anger to cover his helplessness and lack of solution. I could just imagine that face." i chuckled and Jane followed suit, attempting to lighten the heavy atmosphere. "You both need a talk. A proper one, that is."

  "I know." Jane draws imaginary circles on my bedsheet. "But..if he's going to avoid me tomorrow...i-i don't know..." she trailed off. We had two days free after the sports event, so basically this day is the last meaning, school aka hell is back.

  "If he did, i will make him bald in an instant." Jane laughs at my retort. "And i bet he didn't want to face the wrath of oppa and the others. Don't worry, you guys can work it out soon." i encouraged her with a genuine smile on my face.

  "Lucky you, don't seem to have any guy problems at all." Jane replied. Oh no, not really, chingu.


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