Day 19

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A/N: Hihihiiiii! :) Seonhwa needs a pov break!


Baekhyun's POV (Special Part 2)


   "Remember! Don't position your back infront of the aircon if you are wet with sweat! Don't forget to sleep on your bed instead of your study desk! Don't forget to put tomatoes and cucumbers whenever you eat burgers! And don't force yourself to eat food you don't like just because somebody tells you to, it's free will! And never try to do sports because you are not for it! And be kind to anybody and ignore those bad people around you! Don't you dare forget all of these, understand?" I watched as Chaeri noona placed both hands on her hips and lectured me of some reminders as if i'm a five-year-old child.

  "Noona, i'm not a five-year-old anymo--" She cut me off with a stern look. I sighed. "Yes, noona."

  "Good. Because noona has to go, i want to ensure your safety. I know you're 21 but hey, you're still immature!" she said with a mischievious smile on her face.

   "Noona!" I groaned but laughed with her as well. "Are you just going to leave like this literally?" i asked, pointing at her luggages piled up on our front door.

  "Of course not ByunBaek! I'm going to give you my farewell gift today before i leave." Chaeri noona chirped, dragging me up from the sofa.

   "What is it?" i asked curiously.

  Chaeri noona smiled. "ByunBaek's favorite chocolate store~~" she wiggled her eyebrows playfully while i stared at her in shock.

   "No way."

  "YES WAY!!!" Chaeri noona exclaimed. "Let's go! We'll be going Auntie, Uncle! Thanks for having me around!"


  "Wow..this" i breathed deeply as soon as i spotted a familiar small store which is known for its extremely delicious chocolates--my favorite of all time.

   "It's been years since we've been here, don't you think?" Chaeri smiled and nudged me by the arm. "You're 12 back then and i'm 17."

   "I thought this store had been closed already?" i inquired as we slowly made our way to the entrance.

  "Nah. They just transferred to a wider area. Now let's get going! We shouldn't be wasting time!" Before i could even reply, 26-year-old Chaeri dragged me excitedly towards the store. I grinned as i felt a wave of nostalgia.


  Noona and i were neighbors back then. We are playmates since we were young and she took care of me like a little brother of her own. She's an only child and according to her, having me is one of the best things that had ever happened in her life. I was grateful for her. As i grew up, i also learned how to take care of her. I supported her in every dream she pursued, and she'll do the same. We might look like a couple, but we aren't.

  We have a sibling relationship. (A/N: Seonhwa should hear this lol)

   "Hello! May i take your order?" the cashier asked. They were new employees as well..

  "Oh! We'll have a large chocolate sundae with a cherry on top please!" Chaeri noona chirped. I chuckled.

  "Please add a LOT of chocolate." I added. Noona laughed and we high-fived.

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