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First of all, i am very sorry.

You know that we come to some point in our lives when we lack some financial needs, right?

Unfortunately, it has come to this moment.

Nothing realy serious, but i just want to tell you that starting from October 15th, our internet connection will be temporarily cancelled because we aren t able to pay. My tuition fee is the most priority and i think money isn't enough even, so i may have special exams during the break. We were really having quite a rough time nowadays, so i hope you guys would understand.

I'm trying to finish an update asap, but i'm not promising anything. Please understand me. You know how hard it is to earn money.

It will be lonely being outdated about EXO tho xD I think the thought of Luhan's leave will fill in my days without internet xD goodluck to me ahahah

SORRY guys, i hope to see you all again soon. :')

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