Day 4

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A/N: Oohh Luhan's socks~ Lololol


  Since that fucking announcement, my life has somewhat change.

   Something i really hated, something i never imagined it would be. 

  I hate having an asshole cousin!! >_<

  "Seonhwa!! Over here!!" Luhan called as soon as he spotted our group at the cafeteria. We were having our lunchbreak and unfortunately, i have to let my precious time be ruined by a bunch of assholes.

  "Wow...they're both lucky"

"You bet!"

   "Just cousins?! aww~~"

"So envious~"

   I heard some loud whispers from the students. This is plain crazy. I rolled my eyes as Jane and i walked towards Luhan and his friends' table.

  "I bought you lunch!!" Luhan exclaimed, handing me a tray filled with good food. "Oh, and your friend, too!" He turns to Jane, handing her another tray with less food or should i say--food for humans.

   "Yah!! Why is my tray full of food?! I'm not an animal to eat too much!!" i glared at Luhan, who just chuckled. "Ya, Seonhwa. I'm just being generous." he said in a boastful manner.

  "Hey! I paid for her!" Chanyeol suddenly interrupted, pointing at Jane.

    Jane raised an eyebrow. "You did?" And Chanyeol nodded, glaring back at Luhan. Luhan shrugged. "Whatever. Get a room." he says, making the both of their mouths hang open.

  "Pervert." i snorted, and the blonde-haired guy looked back at me, smirking. "I'm hot, you know." he boasted. I rolled my eyes at him. Psh. Cocky bitch. "Now you better eat that before Chanyeol could sneak a handful of it." he added.

  "Hyung!!" Chanyeol whined. I puffed my cheeks to supress the laugh.

"Eat." Luhan ordered, getting the spoon off my hand, "or i'll feed you." he said. And with that, i quickly took my spoon back and started eating. He chuckled. "Good. Let's all eat then." the others nodded and started eating.

I know you're literally shocked on how i acted. I mean, like how is Seonhwa being ordered this easy? How did the Chinese bitch managed to rule over me?


 As soon as i came home, i slumped my body at the sofa. Mentally and physically tired here!

"Seonhwa dear, what's wrong?" Mom suddenly asked as she came out from the kitchen, holding a bowl of whatever food it was. I sighed. "Just...tired mom." i lamely replied. "I'm hungry. What's the food?"

Mom handed me the bowl of food she is holding. I looked at it, then stared at mom indifferently. "!!" i whined.

"Yah! Don't complain! You said you were hungry!" Mom replied back, hands on her hips. "And me and your dad is tired from work!"

"It's not like you can't cook!!" i answered back.

"Whatever. Eat it or die of hunger." Mom said. My mouth hangs open for a moment, totally surprised.

I gasped dramatically. " did not just say you'll let your daughter die, didn't you?" i slowly asked.

Mom shook her head, stubborn side showing. "I just did." she said in a firm tone.

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