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Emelda's POV

The sun rays shine through the cottons indicating that it was morning... I checked the time from my phone to see it was already 7:14 am, oh my God I woke up really late now mum would have to do everything for me...

Today I would be leaving for Detroit and I wanted to wake early so at least I could help her with little work in the house before getting ready to go to the airport for my flight to Detroit...

Well am sorry I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Emelda Wilson popularly none as Imelda, yeah I know you're wondering why mine is 'E' and not 'I' well that's because I was name after my late aunt Imelda Wilson who is my dad's late and only sister he had before she passed... Well am a graduate of fox university and I just got a job in Detroit which is why am leaving Oklahoma...

Am the only child of my mum and dad... They had tried to have another baby after me but to no avail it came out negative...

Dad was the understanding type and that was why he didn't marry another wife...

"Mel", I heard mum call bringing me out of my trance...

"Coming mum"..well that means story and introduction later...

I quickly went into my small sized bathroom to brush and have my bath...
I took my brush, added enough paste to it and started brushing my teeth...
After that I took my hair shower and put it on so I don't get my hair wet, and then I took my bar soap and sponge after that I went under the shower and turned on the water and started sponging my body...

After I was done using the bathroom I took my towel and clean my bare body, I didn't bother washing my hair because I did yesterday...after that I applied my body cream for glow and shine..

I walked straight to my wardrobe and started searching for what to wear, I later settled on a matching pens and top both white in colour, and I took my undies bag and brought out a white lase bra and pants, after that I dressed up and walked to my dressing table to dress my hair.. Facing the mirror I decided to dress my hair in ponytails and I applied a little make-up, mascara and a pink lip gloss...
After that I checked myself out facing the mirror... Wow! I must say I did a very good work, I complimented myself before dashing out of the room before mum come get me out herself and by herself I mean coming with a soap spoon...Lol mum can actually be funny at times that she forget she's a woman and start playing a teen...

Coming down the stairs I started perceiving the sweet aroma from the pancake which mum is preparing...
Mum hardly make pancake, or should I say we hardly make pancake only on occasional days... Well I guess going to Detroit is good to be celebrated... I thought as I walked inside the kitchen to see mums back facing me...

"Morning mum". I greeted

"Morning, how was your night darling?".Mum asked turning to steal a quick glance at me.

"Am fine mum, pancake for breakfast I guess?" I asked as she turned and smiled.

"Yes darling, you're leaving for Detroit so we have to make it memorable, okay".Mum said making me smile and love her more.

After dinner mum and I went to my room to get all my stuff... After a little arrangement we brought down the luggage's ...

After few minutes we were done packing...
Alex's POV

"Are the luggage's in the car or are you not done packing them into the car?".I asked Max my personal bodyguard..

"Yes sir".He answered

"Done packing or still packing". I asked again this time sounding harsh.

"Am sorry sir, am done packing them". He said this time making me understand.

"Okay! so is the private jet ready because I have to be in Detroit by 7 to 8, I don't want any delay". I asked

"Sir?, there is a little problem and that was why I was standing here" .. He said, his face down

Problem? I looked worriedly at his face before asking. "What problem?". I asked raising my eyebrow up.

"Yes sir!. The engineer and your personal pilot called to inform that you may have to stay for another say as the private jet is a little faulty and they can't put you on high risk". He said again scared.

I paused for some minute before finally deciding on the next step to take because I cant stay in Oklahoma for another day, and I've got a very important business meeting with Mr Jerald and the board.

"Oh! my God this is why I need a secretary or PA, At least he or she would have no the next step to take. get me my phone". I said pacing left and right.

"Sir here, your phone". Max said giving me my phone.

I opened my contact list and tried booking a VIP flight to Detroit but to no avail there was no available seat at the VIP but there was seat remaining at the general side... There's no way am boarding a none VIP flight from Oklahoma to Detroit because I hate dirt.. I don't go near dirt, so how am I going to be comfortable in the general seats. "Never", I said as I stood up walked left to right before finally booking the flight because I've got no other option, I've really got to be in Detroit tomorrow. I thought as I started walking out of the house with Max following me behind.
I swear my next trip to any other country, I mist have a secretary or PA to assist me. I thought as I tighten my fist before entering behind my black Bentley car and Max driving out of my apartment in Oklahoma.




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