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It's been three days since I came back to the office.
And that three days Emelda has been avoiding me like a plague, how I wish I could turn back time.
I've tried all my possible best to get her attention and try to explain myself to her and make out relationship official but she doesn't even allow me to talk, all she ever do is talk work and once I say anything other than that it either she walk out on me or she reminds me that if it's not work-related we have no other thing to talk about.
I know I asked her to be my woman the other day at my families dinner but I do not know my true feelings towards her.
I like her, yes!. But do I love her?
That question is something o do ask me for the past four days.
Right now am sitting in my office staring at the computer opposite me, I can't even concentrate because all I see is her tear-filled eyes.
She's so damn natural, how I wish I didn't become like this.
An animal with full pride!
Love is destruction for me and it is not meant for a monster called Alex, a half-faced man, a beast! Yeah, am a beast.
In the beauty and the beast movie that beast is learning from me, the cause is the real beast.
I faced palmed myself, well I even forgot about the party I was supposed to go to with Mel too. The Valerie's auction party! I know Valerie would be furious and angry but I know I can make it up to her.
I ringed the telecom locating to Emelda's office.
"Yes sir" I heard her answer.
"Come to my office," I said flatly.
Yeah! You're wondering why the sir well we're back to being formal or should I say she back to being formal.
A knock on my door got my attention knowing she's already here.
"Come in!" I said as the door opened revealing Emelda with her stern face.
"You called for me? sir!" She said more like a question.
"Yes! I called for you " I said as I continued. "I wanted you to help me go through these files and come explain them to me, I have gone through them almost five to six times but to no avail, av been wasting my entire daylight on this same file," I said to her trying my best to form a straight face.
Well, I just hope one day we get to be like before.
"Okay! Anything else or should I go?" She asked calmly.
"No! That would be all." I answered as she turned and walked out of my office living me in total solitariness.
I just wish to have me, Mel, back. is that too much to ask?.
Have been blank for the past few days and I kinda like this new attitude.
It helps me avoid the feelings I get around Alex.
Yes, I love him, but what gain would it be?
Absolute intelligible!.
Today's another day again to explain a file to my boss, his behaving dump for the past few days.
No matter the about of focus he proves he is still as dull as a bitch!
Yeah! I've been avoiding him like a bone in my neck.
And I am enjoying every bit of it even though his eyes still hold the calmness I've always yearned for but I still can't be with him because we are unadapted.
I just wish all this will end fast so I can at least be free around him again.
I've noticed the ticking bomb disturbing the boss and Emelda.
I asked her days ago at the dunner but she changed the topic.
I no Emelda loves the boss and so as the boss.
Just yesterday I caught him starring at her from the passageway leading to the male and female restroom in the cafeteria but unknowingly she didn't see him.
I know something must be wrong and am going to try all my best to get them together even though it means me losing my job.
Not that I even need the money?
Am the only daughter of Mr Williamson the official owner and founder of Williams oil and co enterprises.
My dad owns an oil firm, clothes company, modelling industry and beverages company. But none of my friends no and I kinda like it that way.
The other day my dad came here to partner with Alex's father and also merge the two companies but I had to beg him that I do not want anything with my boss and besides I don't love him, so my cousin is going to the placement of me. Like I care!
All I want is a simple life filled with love and happiness, not money and betrayal.
I just hope that Alex would see the love in Mel's eyes.
She's a sweet girl and she deserves happiness, not pain and sadness.
She has become a sadist and is an absolute hard nut and I kinda miss the old Mel.
And am gonna bring her back!. I said smirking.

Today's Friday and am going to the clinic for a test.
Yeah! I know you all may be wondering why am going for a pregnancy test when I could just use the PT tester. Well I used it, or I mean I have used 4 and all say positive.
I just can't be pregnant. I just don't want to believe it.
Even when I told Erica and we checked it together she confirmed that I was truly pregnant, What would I tell my family, who would I run to.
Well, let me just check the hospital and if it's positive then I would know the next step to take.
Getting into Michigan clinic home (M.C.H), I walked to the receptionist for a proper description of the doctor undergoing a pregnancy test.
I was shown and directed to a tall man about forty and he was wearing a spec. His hair was combed to the back, and he had blue hazel eyes. He was handsome for a forty-year-old man.
I looked at his white garment and saw his name tag. His name was William Anderson.
"Good morning doctor William," I greeted him politely and a small smile crept up to my cheek.
"Morning, I presume you're ms Wilson?" He asked as he brought out his hand for a Hans shake.
A few minutes later a test was being conducted by doctor William and I was told to wait in his office.
After about 30 minutes of waiting and glancing at the clock, he came back smiling, his all happy face made me realize that I was well doomed.
"Congratulations ms Wilson, you're going to be a mother." The doctor said sarcastically and if I may say the doctor sure knows how to piss someone.
I couldn't reply to any of his words as I was lost in my oblivion.
I took the result from the doctor and thanked him for his service before paying him his money and leaving the hospital.
The minute I entered a cab I took out my phone and called Erica.
"Hello babe, how was the outcome?" She asked as she picked the call.
"Am doomed Rica, am finished," I said as I continued. "What would I tell him, eh! Hey, Alex after our first and last sex I got pregnant. No no no no that not happening." I said as I glanced at the road the driver had to move to. His eyes were gazing at me every 2 seconds.
"Come to my house let's think of a better solution." She said as we talked for a while before ending the call.
That evening I went to Erica's house and I came to a conclusion that I was going back to Oklahoma and I wasn't going to let Alex know about me being pregnant.
And besides, it now is even noticing my bum is becoming obvious and I did not look to see.
Am the worst lady or should I say mother that could not feel the difference in me, I always have cravings for chocolate cake and ice cream with the biscuits on top.
Yeah! Funny cravings I guess, and sometimes it just zeroes normal food and all junk food.
After about a few minutes of talking and laughing with Erica, I took out my phone and booked a flight for tomorrow.
At last, I booked an evening flight and got ready to go pack up my things.
Erica told me to inform Alex but I was scared of being rejected and accused, I just can't bear the shame of being humiliated by the first man I loved and gave my innocence.
Two days later. ALEX
Two days now and Emelda hadn't come to work, I've asked her friend Erica about her and she said she hadn't seen nor heard from her.
I could see outer lies from her but I couldn't see myself forcing her for answers.
I took my phone and called in my private investigator and told him to search for the whereabouts of Emelda. I called him in when I heard a knock on my door.
"Hello!, sir, you called for me." He said the minute he entered my office.
"Rex! I need you to background check on someone." I said the minute he walked into my office.
"Okay, sir! Names?" He asked.
"Emelda Wilson, and please try your best," I said as he brought out his laptop and started his work.
After five minutes of waiting and still no result from him, I became furious and uneasy, different negative things started finding their way into my thought. Thoughts I'd never imagined myself thinking about.
What if she is being held captive? What if she's dead? Nah that's impossible and unacceptable, what if... What if? I could not conclude with any of my thought before Rex called for my attention.
"Found anything Rex?" I asked him as I moved closer to him feeling different anxiety.
"Yes! Boss, but there's a little problem as she's out of Michigan." He said.
Out of Michigan as in Michigan in Detroit or which other Michigan I do not know of.
"Where is she?" I asked as I started feeling uneasy and impatient.
"She's in Oklahoma." He said.
It was as if any other part of me was happy that the location is close but the other part was sad because of something I do not understand.
"Well can you locate her cell or anything?" I asked as I began pacing back and forth.
"Sir! seems like her phone has been damaged and there is no way I could locate her," Rex said sadly.
Where the hell is you, Emelda, I know you're angry with me but it hasn't gotten to leaving me here in Detroit.
I miss you!.

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