Dinner with Alex's family

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Alex has been behaving strangely recently, first the kiss and now he wants me to be his woman.
Like seriously who does that, that is highly unacceptable. I can't, in fact, why would I when am his PA, his employee.
Ah! Never I can't and will not. What would my family say? not to talk of his family. What would the whole of Detroit say? Yes, he's handsome in half. I can't talk about his full face because I've never seen it. Well, he may be handsome? Or ugly?
Well right now am getting ready for his family dinner. I have never been to a family dinner except mine and Alana's family to be precise.
After having my bath I decided to go with a blue sleeveless gown and a black wedgie and a matching bag to go.
Am not the makeup type so I just did my mascara, pink blush and loss
After all the makeup and hairstyling I took my iPhone and handbag and walked to the sitting room to meet an already seated Alex, he was dressed in ack sweatpants and a white body hug polo top. His abs were visible that even a girl seated a few miles away would notice the way the cloths have access to his body that he was hardly impossible to see. I bit the bottom of my lips and made my arrival noticeable. "You're looking splendiferous," I said to him as I made my way to the front of the sofa he was seated at.
"Thanks," he said, I could see the astonishing way he was starring at me and I loved that I could make him feel things already. "So shall we?" He asked.
I smiled widely " yeah! We can" we made our way to the front door outside the mansion, well I haven't even said anything about his amazing house. Well, let leave that for another day.
We got to the parking lot and he used his car remote to open his new 2017 Bentley flying spur V8 S which cost about $200,000. F**k! I ain't ever gonna drive those except I sell my soul to the devil. My lineage has never smelled money before talk less of being born inside, it would be my doom if my mum see me in that kind of car when she knows am just an office clerk at Arthur's & co.
"Are we gonna use this?" I asked awfully.
He smirked! "Yeah! these are limited edition and I was the first to buy it, but it's also the first time am riding her". He said proudly of his achievements.
I signed and got into the passenger seat which he already had opened for me like a perfect gentleman.
We have been in the road of Detroit for at least 40 to 45 minutes but we are in no position close to his parent's house. "How many minutes more do we have to get there am already tired of seating in one position". I said as he continued driving without sparing me a glance.
He signed. "Five minutes more, we are  If I had used Cass Street by Fort Shelby I would have been there but the road has under construction". He said before putting back all his attention to the road.
"Okay," I mumbled and leaned back on my seat turning all my gaze to the street of Michigan Detroit.
He was right because after 5 minutes we were at the front of a simple but amazing building. It was a tall story building and I loved the work of the architect. It was one of the houses you would count amongst the most simple but nice buildings. It was different from Alex's mansion where you would see the pool before the building itself.

After Alex had opened the door for me we walked inside the building and by then you should know what had happened to my mouth because it was opened wide and if the house wasn't as clean as it is I would say a fly would be inside by now.
The first thing that caught my attention in the sitting room was the beautiful but amazing chandelier, if am not mistaken it's going to be a 35 light stand. Alex's was 40 and it was as beautiful as this but this was more homely and adorable. If I could get this for my mum she would be amazed because she loved beautiful and amazing things.
I was bolted out of my thoughts by a woman wearing a warm smile. She had the beauty of a woman in her thirties but she had the stature of a woman in her fifties.
"Alex, it's so nice to finally have you come by after 6 months of am not mistaken". The woman said smiling responsibly.
"Aunt Maya!" Alex smiled warmly at her. " it's nice to see you too and you're supposed to know work has been  He concluded before pulling her into a warm hug.
"Come, everybody is already at the table and it left for you and " she pursed and turned to gaze at me, smiling as if seen a lost puppy. "And who is this beautiful damsel you've brought Alex?" She asked grinning from ear to ear. I must say she's nice and a little replica of Alex but her eyes were a little bit of gold and brown, her hair has a corn yellow colour and her lips were pink, she was a blonde lady. She was the idle type of a perfect queen. Lol! Mind my admiration or stupefaction.
"Hello ma'am, am Emelda Wilson PA to Mr Alexander Arthur". I said as I stretched my hand out for a handshake.
She took it homely. "Wow, she's so polite and have never seen you this happy". His aunt said as we made our way to the dining
The dining was filled with people I concluded to be his family, me being me started feeling a little giddy because I've never been in a full house dinner and family to be precise. It had always been me, mum and dad. Most times it's Alana but it was always been with mum and dad. Come to think about it I haven't called home for weeks now. I'd try when I get home.
"Hey everybody Alex is here with his girlfriend". Wait! what's she saying?. I thought I told her I was his PA?, what's she getting at? I kept asking myself.
"Aunt Maya! Emelda is just my PA nothing more, please stop making her feel uncomfortable". Alex said trying to kill all the mumblings at the table.
"Hello everyone is Emelda Wilson PA to Mr Alex, it nice being invited to a dinner by your boss". I said trying to kill the tension I was A few minutes after the awkward introduction we all started eating our dinner. It was amazing and I'd thought the maid made the meal not knowing it was all aunty Maya's handwork.
"Thanks," I said breaking the silence at the table. "The food sure tastes palatable". I said while using the serviette.
"It's an honour to hear you say this Mel... Do you mind me calling you Mel?" Maya asked as she kept her used serviette.
"So son how's our business?" A man in his forties asked and am sure that would be Alex's father.
"Works great dad. And how's your health" Alex asked.
"Are you still having the surgery son?" His father asked him with concern in his voice.
"Can we not talk about that here, have told you times without number that I don't want to. And won't bother doing it". Alex said to his father angrily. I removed my left hand from my lap and put it on his. I used it to caress softly and made him cool down a little. It worked perfectly And I just hope he would accept his father generosity. He's just trying to have a good relationship with his family and that's all. I thought before collecting my phone from my bag to see if there's any calls from the company or my family. After checking and there is no call I decided to go join Maya in the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I was awed by his surroundings, the kitchen was met for a professional cook and I am one but I do not know if am allowed to cook here when am just a common PA who is swatting with her boss.

I met Maya making dessert so I decided to join her, though she was not alone. She was with a girl who had been giving a death glare at me throughout dinner, and I never give a f**k about it talk less of giving her her share of a death glare. "Maya, can I please join you in making a little cupcake for dessert?" I asked her smiling widely to fall, miss, what her name was on the shoulder.
"Oh! Emelda that's so thoughtful of you, I've been trying to get this chocolate peanut cupcake correct but to no avail, it's still not falling into place" she said worriedly.
"Seems like you haven't done it before?" I simply asked her.
She sighed "yeah I haven't done it before but I've tried once and it ended up being black as coal.
A few minutes later I finished making the cupcakes and she had a taste. She was wowed at the taste and aroma. The girl by her side did not bother tasting she said she was not really into chocolate nuts cupcakes. I didn't care because it wasn't my problem.

We came back to the dining and served the cupcakes, everybody in the dining complimented the cakes except for the grumpy girl. If I must say she was beautiful beyond measure, her black short hair fell on her shoulder and her grey eyes were mixed with black strings. Her lips were painted in pepper red lip gloss making her real lip colour unidentified, her face was muddy and her short black flea gown which looked like those cheerleaders wear was beautiful but not my style, I don't do shorts that much. This one is even wearing was because of Alex and nothing more.
After dessert, we all went to the sitting room for a little chat and Alex went with his father to his room. We the ladies were still chatting when Alex came in looking all angry and furious.
"Alex are you alright?" I asked as he took hold of my hand and purse and started walking out with me trying to catch up with his pace.
"You saw the girl with black hair? The one that was trying every possible means to be close with my aunt. Well, my dad brought her here to introduce her to me and set us up for an engagement he and her father organized because of share purpose". He said, his voice tensed and anxious. His breath was beyond measure and I on the other hand felt a hit of jealousy. The minute he said those words I started to hate his father and that girl times two.

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