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❣Emelda's POV❣

Waking up on Monday morning at 6:05 am, I really need to be early to work...

Well I've got to be in Arthur business industries and co by 7:30 am,"well you must be wondering why its already Monday", "well I left Oklahoma on a Wednesday then got here  Thursday morning"... "Friday i used for groceries shopping at the mall", and the mall was wow!!."And as for Saturday and Sunday, I used that to get to know places" then later clean up my whole apartment,"not like I didn't do it when I arrived but that was just not my style. I love cleaning a lot.

"Standing up from the bed I walked to the mirror to look at my horrible face,"actually am a sleeper".
"After looking at my face I walked to the bath room to have a quick bath... After about 5 minutes I was done brushing and bathing, I did all that for 5 minutes because I don't wanna be late...

"After toweling my body I rubbed my body oil and face cream",I walked to my wardrobe to get my undies and clothes..

I later settled with a lace black pant and bra, and for the working outfit I chose a red pencil skirt and white siphon top...

"I applied a little and light make-up then put on my nude heels and black purse"...
After everything I took a little glance at my self in the dressing mirror before living the room with my cell phone in my hand...
"After leaving my room I went straight to the kitchen to make something", as I was on my way to the kitchen I heard my phone ring playing my favorite song masterpiece by Jessie j...
I started singing alongside with the music, swaying my body to the tune...before remembering that it was a call not me playing the song...

📞 Mel! How are you bitch?.. I heard my bf "Alana" screaming through the other side of the line...
📞 Ana! "What's up with you?, you couldn't even come to my house to bid me farewell before I leave for Detroit? It just isn't fair okay. We are best of friends not normal friends.. I said sadly through the phone.
📞 Am so sorry Mel, my mum had working and helping her in her shop, and do you know the worst?.. Ana asked as if I  am some voodoo priestess who sees things.
📞 What girl? Tell me you of all people should know I ain't good with guesses"so what's are you talking about Al?.. I asked her hoping all is well because her voice were sounding worried..
📞 I lost my job! She spat out the words hurriedly as if saying it was the hardest thing to's all mum's fault, if she had not asked me to help her all this wouldn't have happened, she said crying..
📞 Oh! "Ana am so sorry, how you've not been crying your eyes out um" I was still talkies when my eyes moved to the wall clock.. Jesus Christ! I screamed out loud..
📞 Mel what's up did you get yourself hurt? Ana asked.
📞 If I had gotten my self hurt it would be absolutely better than going late on my first day at work, just just any work but Arthur's & co... Oh common Ana we would probably talk later okay, bye... I didn't even allow her bid me goodbye before ending the call and running out of the house to caught a taxi to work"... Oh 7:19 am please wait for me.

Am so fucking late, am a dem gonna. I thought as I stopped a taxi and slid in ..

"Arthur's cooperation! I said as I my butts hit his back seat"..

⚫Alex's POV⚫

Getting to the company, I walked out of my black Bentley as Max opened the door for me..
Walking out I could feel the fresh breeze blowing freely..

" peoples graze started following me inside the company...some were drooling as usual while some wore a jealous look..

Today my outfit was stunning but I still had my mask on, I really hate wearing it.

The first girl who made me remove it ended up breaking up with me because I had a scar", from then on I decided that no other girl would see it again...I really used to love Sugar but she pushed me because of a scar, she called me a beast, she laughed at my scar face... Well that was 5 years ago and its never gonna happen again.

Walking into my office and everywhere was as quite as a graveyard I walked to my chair and begin check out the files I wasn't able to see since I came back from Detroit because it had been from one conference meeting to another..

I was still in my thought and still going through the files when I head a knock...

Come in! I said to the person outside.

"Stepping inside my office was no other person but Max".. "He was like my PA for now but I had already told him yo look for a PA for me"..

Sir! "There's a new worker and she's from the salesclerk department, and I also heard she's from Oklahoma city".. Max said looking at me with a questioning look.

"And were is she right now?".. I asked

"Well sir she is outside the office right now waiting for your call", should I call her in?.. Max asked.

Okay! "Send her in let me see her by myself", I said to Max who turned and started walking to the exit...

30 seconds later she walked in and sat down opposite me in the visitors chair... My face was still down and hidden from her because I was facing a file and it closed my face really well...

Good morning Mr Arthur! She said

Good morning! May I no your name please, I asked her as I removed the file from my face to see the same girl, the same miss disaster... "Oh my God, I said as our eyes jammed", we were both shocked to see each other.

Are you Mr Arthur? As in Mr Arthur CEO of Arthur business industries and co?? Wait you mean I sat with you in the same airplane and the same seat, wow this is really wonderfulous"... She said laughing at the same time.

I just kept grinning because the mission to get her is finally knocking on my door.. And what dictionary did she get the word wonderfulous ... Lol! I think am gonna play hard..

Well, well, well, miss what?.. I asked her opening my eyes in a questioning way;..

"Miss Emelda Wilson!. She said worriedly..

Seems you're scared? Well you really have to because you were actually playing hard to get the other day, but now you know.. I said smirking at her, she made an angry face and stood up..

If you ain't giving me the work, just go straight to the point and stop making a fool out of yourself.. She said as she took her purse from my chair and made her way for the door..

I will give you a job but on one condition! I said as she turn to look me in awe and a questioning look..

What condition? She asked calmly waiting for my answer as she stood firmly hoping to hear a good news from me..

That you would be my PA! Also you would be signing a contract.. Okay! I said as she looked at me in confusion and fear.

Why would I sign a contract and why would I be your PA when I applied for a salesclerk?.she asked in a whisper..

"Well as for the contract you would be seeing it tomorrow and as for the PA work you would start today to prove yourself worthy of the work okay".. "I said as I stood up and walked my way to her front..
She started moving backward to the door and I kept following ever move she was making until her back hit the door..

I learned in and got tempted to kiss her but I held myself from such because I do not want to repeat what my ex did to me... I thought as I moved my hands to the door nob and twist it open making her startle in total shock...

I opened the door widely and point the next visible office with a glass walk and door for her..

What am I to do there? She asked me still shocked at my previous behavior..

Well that would be your office, and you would be starting work today! I said as I left her to go clean up her new office...

I look forward in working with her..

Watch out for Chapter 4..

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