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☺Emelda's POV☺

After the morning chagrin from Alex I had refused to do any work for him on less he clears the bad air in the company's staffs brain🧠. Like seriously how can he dispute me like that in front of them, "A boss and his PA holding hands, I can't even date a guy with full face talk less of a masked man.

Huff! I signed tiredly as I heard the intercom ring.


"Come to my office', I heard him say cutting me short from my own word.
Just the same way he answered the call, that same way he ended it without allowing me to speak.


Few seconds after receiving his call, I was already at his office door.

I knocked gently trying to sound normal because in my actually situation right now I wasn't normal.

Come in, I heard his frosty reception from the inside door.

I took a quick breath of frustration and open the door to Alex in all his glory.

He was sitting at his office chair and his face was down and actually still cover in that half dreadful mask or whatever.
He hair was rough and different from the way he came to the office in the morning. He actually styled his air to the back in the morning and now seems Mr perfect got himself some shit to worry about. "Well its not of my interest and I don't care to even know.

Wow! "Seems am too cool even with the mask on?, Alex said bring me out of mg little captivation.

At once my face started to heat up and I can swear that I felt my knee getting weak.
I've been noticing my new behavior in his presence and I even call Ana and told her about it, 'but all her result was a total lie. How can she say that am crushing on my boss, common that totally unacceptable.

I..I..I was just lost in my own thinking, actually it because of what you did this morning, am totally not comfortable or whatsoever to leave this office same time with other employees. I said not taking any of his look.

Okay! So who do you expect to do the work for today or are you by any means telling me you're not working anymore?. Alex asked in the most boyish way I've ever seen him blurt before.

I was really mesmerized by his lifestyle with or without the mask! "Oh my God what was that about. I asked my inner thought as I looked at him with the most cocky smile, which actually gained him me a smirk from me.

Come sit down and stop standing there and blocking my view at the door? He asked grinning from ear to ear while I try to remain cool and go sit opposite him.

For your answer, I don't know and besides I just can't leave with you and you know what I mean.

My face began to heat at my own words for the second time. Illusion of us together making out in his house just popped into my head and I tried all my best to hit it away but it wasn't even leaving.

Leave my brain Alex, I can't have sex with you talk less of making out in your couch. I screamed in my head.

Wow! "It looks like a good idea you, 'me and you in my couch kissing and I giving you a hickeys and all. Don't you think its a good idea?. He asked sarcastically.

I was about answering him before I knew wear he got those words from and its no other place but my silly mouth.

Did I say it out loud?, like really loud? I asked praying he only imagined it.

Instead of giving me a reply he stood up from his chair and walked to my front shifting my chair which was closer to the table and making me face him as he sat in his office table and my legs was in between his legs.

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