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After having my organism it didn't take 2 seconds before Alex had his.
Yeah! I was happy I had it with him but I was not myself because he didn't feel anything because of his drunk and angry state.
He was lying to me and his weight was becoming obvious so I had to call for him. "Alex you have to get up," I said trying my hardest way to control my silent voice because of the too much crying.
He sheepishly raised his head from my stomach and looked at me before standing up.
"What happened here?" He asked confused by our sudden environment.
"Nothing, I said flatly as I used the blanket to cover my naked body and walked to my room.
"Emelda nothing happened, so how did a bloodstain get into my bed? Or am I hallucinating?" He asked again as he stood up from the bed.
"Nothing happened Lex, am going home now, see you at work," I said flatly as I entered my room and started dressing, after dressing I started arranging my things in my suitcase, thank God I didn't bring all the things I would have carried too many things.
Living in Alex house was not pleasing because I've kind of grown fond of him.
He begged me for taking advantage of me in his drunk state. He said he wanted my first time to be perfect but because of his stupid anger, he couldn't make it perfect.
I told him everything was fine and that I was happy that at least he didn't hurt me, I also told him to forget about what happened and we should continue to be boss and employee.
When I was leaving he asked if I was going to come to work and I told him I was going to come, but he should at least not tell anybody about what happened between me and him.
Yeah! I wanted him to say 'Emelda don't go', 'be my girlfriend'. But he didn't, maybe he didn't have that courage or maybe he didn't have that sensitive feeling towards me.
I was arranging my clothes into my wardrobe when my phone started ringing.
Checking the screen to see it was an unknown number.
"Hello," I said to the person calling
"Hey! Mel, it's me, Erica, I'm in the office and I was wondering if you're not coming as Mr Arthur isn't coming." She said through the phone.
I signed, my hand rubbing my face gently. "Well am on my way Erica and he didn't give me an off," I said truthfully.
"Well, I was hoping I could see you and we could hang out?" Erica said sounding like her, she's the the the ty type and I love her freeness to the core.
"Well, Erica I'd love to but am not sure about that for now, maybe when I get to the office we could at least seat and talk about it, okay," I said. I wasn't sure if I was in any state of outing but I think I would need some drink to at least kill my angry and tearful heart. I thought touching my chest as if I could calm my burning pain from exploding.
"Okay! We will talk later, let me get back to work. Be expecting you soon." She said as we said our byes and hung up
After dropping my phone I suddenly remembered what Erica said about Alex not going to work.
Hey! Mel, it's me, Erica, I'm in the office and I was wondering if you're coming as Mr Arthur isn't coming, just hope she not going to worry because of a small misunderstanding.
Small misunderstanding Emelda, you're sick! You just lost your innocence to your boss, who possibly do not have feelings for you.
My inner mind spoke truthfully.
What did I get myself into, when he told me to go home yesterday. Why didn't I go?
Why am I feeling that what I did was a good thing?, why ain't I yelling at him or myself for being carried over?. Why am I so foolish that I was allowed to keep my virginity yesterday but instead I made an absolute full of myself.
Why did I go to his family dinner with him? Why did tell me to be his woman when he didn't have any feelings for me? How I wish I can turn back time, how I wish I could not have met him this way or maybe I shouldn't have come to Detroit.
All my heart feels like it's going to crash any minute and my hand that's caressing it is not doing it any good.
"Ahhhhhhh" I screamed as I held my head crying because eight now have been ripped, have been abandoned and betrayed by my own heart. It all feels like the whole world is against me.
I cried my eyes out. "I want out, I want out," I kept ranting and crying as if my world had come to his end.
I was still crying when I started remembering mum and dad advice before I left Oklahoma.

"Emelda my daughter please stay away from bad friends, always pray before you sleep, do not have a boyfriend who will only use and dump you, don't stay late at night because Detroit is different from Oklahoma okay my daughter!!!"


"Ahhh" I cried out louder than before as I remembered every one of my WordPress, if only I knew that my mum's word would come to pass in a different way I would have stayed at my apartment and not gone over to Alex mansion.
"Well I would go back to work, but I would change our friendliness, I would be strict of my friendship with any man," I said to myself as I made my way to go have my bath so I can head to work.

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