✧Chapter Two✧

Start from the beginning

Hey when you have an abusive mother- this is how you would act.

I just took a deep breath before I ended up telling her the truth, cause well..there's no point in lying. I am just gonna get hit either way.

“I was only there to see you guys eat each other's face off” I actually puked a little in my mouth just thinking about that image “and before you guys went any further then that, you actually know the rest” I explained, leaving their conversation out.

My mother stayed quiet for a bit and then rubbed her temples, letting out a sigh “You better not dare tell Damian any of–”.

“Tell me, what?” Our head turned over to the door, seeing a hurt Damian, knowing damn well he overheard what we were talking about.

“Oh honey, I thought you said you and Travis were gonna have a discussion in your office about your company” My mother tried to act like we weren't just talking about her having an affair.

“We finished early, cause he said he had to go visit his mom in the hospital” Damian told my mother “What? Did you wanted to see him off?” He crossed his arms “Or should I say 'eat his face off'?” My mother gave me a glare before she started to kiss Damian's ass, metaphorically speaking of course.

“Honey, I think you misunderstood in what we were talking about” My mother tried to lie, but it looked like Damian wasn't buying any of the bull that was coming out of her mouth.

“Do you think I'll misunderstood hearing my wife fucking my best friend?” I noticed Damian clenching his fist, looking as pissed as ever.

“Damian, y'know I love you” My mother pleaded. I actually wanted to laugh, seeing my mother lie her damn ass off.

“Do you really love me? Or do you love how much I make?” Good question Damian, good question.

“Well, what is it Vivian?!” He slammed his fist against the wall, seeing my mother flinch, this was actually the first time I see this side of my mother, looking like she was scared out of her ass, but then again..I kinda have a feeling like this was just like any other argument they had, I'll see them next morning being all lovey dovey like none of this ever happen, or there's also a possibility that Damian won't forgive my mother, but I highly doubt that would happen.

“Of course, I love you- I don't care how much you make” Bullshit  “You took me in when I needed you the most, Damian I love you and only you” My mother tried to reach out for him, but he pulled away.

“I'm sorry Vivian, but I need some time to think” was all he said and left us alone. I ain't gonna lie, I kinda felt sorry for him, and I said "kinda"...

My mother stayed quiet for a bit, until I saw her clenching her fist, as she turned around, and I noticed her mascara was ruined from the tears that were streaming down her cheek.

“This is all your fault!” My mother shouted, she swung at me, but she missed.

“How is it my fault that my mother is a whore?” I blurted out without even realizing in what I just said, and once it registered in my head. I knew I was in deep shit.

“Mom please don't hurt me” I begged. I'm so pathetic..

“It's to late for that” I saw my mother close the door shut, as she took out one of my belts from the drawer.

“Mom please, I'm begging you” I pleaded, close to tears. I hated whenever I'm treated like this. I hated my life in general, why do I have to live like this?

I cried out in agony, feeling the buckle hit my right thigh, causing me to lose my balance, as I fell to the floor, feeling more hits.

“Please mom, stop please” I cried out, as I was in the fetal position on the floor, but the more I cried out for dare life, the more harder I felt the belt make contact with my body.

Eventually I stopped begging her to stop hurting me, until she was satisfied, my body was drained. I felt like I was simply gonna die from the hands of my mother. I wasn't scared to die, cause that was what I always wanted every since my life turned into shit. I invited death to come take me, because I didn't want to be in this world anymore.

“You're never gonna leave your room until I give you permission to!” My mother said sternly, dropping the belt right beside me, as she leaves my room, locking the door behind her.

My vision was blurry from all the tears I shredded. I didn't have the strength to get up, so I just simply laid there, alone, until darkness took over me.


I awoke with my body aching so badly. I finally had the strength to get up, getting up slowly, as every where felt sore.

I walked over to the door, trying to open it, but realized that my mother has locked me in, as I slammed my fist against my door “I ain't no fucking animal!” I yelled out, and banged the door again.

I was pissed. I wanted to leave this place and never come back, so I decided to run away without a word. I really don't care where I'm going, as long as I'm away from this place, as long as I'm away from that women.

I looked over to my window and went over to open it, climbing out, as I tried to endure the pain, with every movement I made and grasped onto the tree that wasn't that far from my window, and used it to climb down, when I reach the ground, that's when I started running.

I ran and ran, and ran, not caring where I'm running to, as I keep running, feeling the wind against my body, as I couldn't feel the pain anymore, at one point I felt free, but I knew that wasn't true, my mother could send the police to find me and I'll just go back to hell again, and I didn't want that.

I remembered there was a near by look out not that far from where I was, so that's where I decided to go.

Once I arrived at my destination. I ignored the no trespassing sign and made my way, as I reached the spot. I stood at the edge of the ledge, knowing damn well this was the main suicide spot, where countless people has taken there own life.

I looked out into the open, seeing the stars twinkle above me, feeling the tears stream down my cheek.

“WHY DO I DESERVE TO LIVE LIKE THIS!?” I screamed at the top of my lungs “WHY GOD?! WHY?! TELL ME!” I cried out, feeling like I've gone insane “TELL ME!” I dropped down on my knees, sobbing “Tell me please, I'm tired already” I looked down the ledge, and the first thing I thought was.

Good bye mom...

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