Eleven - "Home?"

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This chapter is a thank you to all the readers that were encouraging me to continue the book after the 3 chapter. Long update since I've been MIA for some months.

Thank you again,

- G
Oh ps: if you haven't guessed by now, I'm a huge owl city fan, the song is called hospital flowers.

In the media is what the interior of the jet looks like.

(Not edited)

Joshua's POV

Everything happened so fast. I was just in an auction, was bought by a stranger that has a group of people around him, went to my old house where we got my brother and the man somehow got custody over him. We then somehow ended up in a mall where the man got any item of clothing that I looked too long, and now we're on a plane to who knows where, all while my little brother is sleeping soundly in his seat wrapped in a blanket with headphones over his ears to block some of the noise the men in the front were making.

'Oh no, this is bad. Very very bad, I'm not even sure where we're going and I don't know what this man is going to do with us. What if he takes my brother and holds him hostage while forcing me to sell myself for him.'

The thought itself had me shaking in my seat, I had an iron grip on the armrest just thinking about all the future beatings to come for my brother and I. I have to get him out of here, it'll be safer for him, he'll make it in foster care and find him a new mommy that will love him just how he imagined.

———————————————————————————————- 45mins into plane ride.

We had been on the plane for at least an hour. The man had taken my little brother to somewhere in the back. I wanted to follow him but I was afraid that he would hurt me or my brother for moving without asking first so now it was just me, sitting in one of the most comfortable seats I've ever had the pleasure to put my butt on.

When the plane first took off, I admit I was scared, then the man that bought me came and started to talk. I wasn't really listening, my ears were filled with the sound of my blood pumping through my veins. I couldn't focus on a word he was saying but I imagine that he said I should do everything he wants and my brother would be safe. He's all that matters to me.

I felt the shaking from the wind pushing on the plane. I tensed when it made one of the workers lose their footing. My hand grew tighter around the armrest, my eyes closed tighter. Only one thing could help me clam down, and that was singing. Closing my eyes a little tighter, I started to hum a tune but it turned into my own mini concert.

" I survived, a dreadful accident
In the car crash, of the century,
My shattered hopes, collapsed on cold cement, but in the back of the ambulance, I'd never felt so content,

A high speed collision gave a new sense of site to me, and now my vision can render the scene, a blurry image of wreckage and roadside debris

Happiness returned to me through a grave emergency........"

It calmed me down a little so I opened my eyes, but that calm was short lived because sitting across from me was none other than the man who bought me.

"You're voice is enchanting my love. One moment I was cursing my enemies, but then I heard the voice of an angel caressing my ears. I followed the sound without even realizing it until you stopped suddenly. Did you write that yourself, how did it feel to be in that car crash? I'm so sorry I wasn't there to take the impact in your place, never again will you face that or any kind of pain. I promise my love." He just started rattling off nonsense it took me a minute to understand that he was talking about the song I was singing.

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