Nine - "IDK how to feel"

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Joshua's POV

I finally got my baby brother, he was so scared. I know walking home in the dark must have been hard for him when he didn't know where he was going. But I'm so proud he made it back in one piece.

When we arrived at that mall it looked so big. I haven't been to the mall since Chris was about 3. My dad took us for a day of fun when he noticed how tired our mom was.

It was a bit overwhelming just to stand outside of it and here is a man that's holding my little sleeping brother offering a hand to me. What do I do? Am I suppose to touch the masters hand, he's already being so generous buying my brother things along with mine which I'm sure I'll have to pay back eventually. Maybe with a sexual favor, they did tell me I was here to serve my master in all ways.

" what are you thinking about so hard love, we have shopping to do." My master's angelic voice whispered through my ears.

"N-nothing s-sir, s-sorry." Muttering the words as I walk pass him though the entrance with my head held down.

"Love, I thought we went over this, call me by my name Cyrus, because sooner or later I'll have you screaming it along with my other name." He said, I glanced up and noted the smirk on his handsome face.

I felt a blush coming on after realizing what he just hinted towards. I heard him let out a deep chuckle that had my body shuddering. " come one love we have some stores that we must get to before we leave." And he lead the way with the bodyguards following behind us.

"C-coming s-sir." I stutter out before quickly following behind him. I watched as he walked ahead I noted how his grip on Chris never faltered, even when we went towards the first store on our stop called forever 21.

"Come on babe, we have shopping to do. Anything that catches your eye just pick it up, you'll have to try on one shirt at each of the stores we go to, seeing as neither of us knows your shirt size. You'll also have to try on a few different styles of pants. Let's get started." He had a bit of a smirk on his face, he seems way more excited to spend his money on my brother and I than I was. I don't know how to feel about him wanting to take care of us.

In the first store my master saw how hesitant I was to pick my own clothes, how I would float over to the clearance racks and continue to search for the cheapest thing there, so he just started to pick up anything that I glanced at too long. " baby I see that you are looking at prices, but I'm here to tell you that money trouble is not a problem we will have. I have all the money you will spend in a lifetime plus enough for our children's children." I held back a sigh.

"M-Master that is your m-money, it's already bad enough that I'm letting you buy a few things for my b-brother. S-Sir I'm fine with s-shopping at the dollar s-store or even the t-thrift s-store. W-We only need a few t-things sir, I'll k-keep us c-clean so you don't h-have to w-worry about buying C-Chris too many s-shirts or p-pants. Would it be t-too much to ask for C-Chris to get a p-pair of s-socks and a p-pair of outside s-shoes?" I timidly ask him while keep my gaze towards the ground.

"Look at me angel" He said it softly but I still couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes. I still felt the hits from the man at the auction, how whenever I disobeyed he would send his ring filled fist into my stomach. I know my mom and stepdad used to beat me but compared to him they were giving soft hits.

"Baby, I need you to look at me, I'm not gonna hurt you for giving eye contact." He said while sitting down on one of the chairs in the dressing room. Chris was still snoozing away on his lap looking so comfortable in his arms. "Baby boy I don't want you to be afraid of me, the things they taught you in that auction house were for slaves, you will be so much more than that. The only reason for you to be scared of me is if you run away, that's the only thing that will bring out my bad side to you. Other than that you will be treated like a queen, and I'll be your king. Devote yourself to me and you will never want for anything, you'll never fear anything, Chris will be well taken care of along with any other children we decide to have." He said while running his fingers through Chris' hair.

"S- I mean C-Cyrus, this is a lot to take in at s-such s-short notice. It's only ever been C-Chris and I. I h-had to do everything, I c-can't just p-pickup s-shop and drop it in s-someone else's life. It's not f-fair to you and it's not f-fair to C-Chris. You didn't h-have a k-kid s-so you s-shouldn't be ob-ob-obligated to take care of s-someone else's responsibility. I mean w-what is h-he gonna t-think of all of t-this? H-How am I gonna e-explain this all to h-him when h-he gets older, h-he's 7, h-he's gonna remember b-before all this h-happened. That will c-confuse h-him and I don't w-wanna p-put my brother in that p-position." I felt tears make their path down my cheeks in my frustration to get my point across to him, stuttering and all.

I heard movement and little grunts from Chris, did he put him down? I got my answer in the form of expensive shoes appearing in my line of sight. He lifted my chin and I was forced to look into those intense pair of eyes. He brushes my tears away and continued to caress along my jaw.

"Josh, I understand you completely, this is all new. I know, I get that you feel a little hesitant to trust me. I would feel that way too after the day you've had, but just try to work with me here. Cause as I said earlier you and Chris became my responsibility the moment I paid money for you at the auction house. I know you're trying to do everything on your own but your not alone anymore. Give me a chance to be your rock, let me be strong for you and Chris. I can take care of anything your heart desires and the sooner you learn that then the happier you'll be. I promise you won't regret it. Now let's get back to shopping I don't want to keep Chris our longer than we have to." I watched him go back to retrieve my brother who was still knocked out asleep.

"Come on love, we got enough clothes from this store. I'll send my personal shopper here again with your measurements and have him get your wardrobe stocked with this seasons clothing. I'll let Chris pick out a few toys and he can sleep in one of our shirts tonight. I'll also have the maids get his measurements tomorrow and have his clothes delivered home. On to his bedroom furniture, he can pick out from one of my interior designers, and have his room customize to whatever he wants, you my love will be sleeping with me in the master bedroom we can do a little redecorating after we interview to get Chris a private teacher. You'll get one too since you'll be graduating this year." He. Continues even as we're leaving the store, I just stopped to take in all that he is saying.

Is it weird that I don't want him to help, I mean I feel bad letting him take on all of this. It doesn't seem like a fair trade, I'm damaged goods, I can't even talk right and he wants me to just give into him. And how long will this nice act last before he gets bored of me or aggravated with Chris, he is a very clingy 7 year old with a mind that processes at a slower rate than others. What if he gets fed up with us? What then?

1485 words!!!

N/A: I'm changing josh's age from 15 to 17 turning 18 after he finishes school that way Cyrus won't look like a pedophile.

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Until next time

- G

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