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You wanted to feel pretty and confident earlier, the reason why you chose to wear high heels with your dress. But you weren't feeling either of that anymore when you arrived in front of your home. With a sigh, you unlocked the door and dragged your tired feet in. It was another long day-maybe just a little bit shittier than most.

You knew he heard your entrance, so he must be busy if he wasn't welcoming you with a warm embrace you would very much sell your soul to have at the moment. Mindlessly putting your bag down the nearest sofa, you kicked your shoes off and wore the fuzzy slippers he prepared for you. You were in need of a warm bath, but you would like to try if his presence would be a better remedy.

You opened the kids' bedroom to find him playing with them.

"No, it's Odd's turn. Don't steal it," he chastised the black cat. It was always fighting for survival-or in this case, treat.

Maybe it was the stress, but seeing such silly scene was enough to melt you.

"What-" he groaned, feeling sudden weight over his shoulders. He couldn't see you, but who else would randomly ride his back? "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

You wanted to cry then. He just knew when something was up.

But when you didn't answer, he also knew not to push you. He let you lay there while he finished up with the cats. He wasn't sure if you already fell asleep, but nevertheless, he secured you on his back and lifted you to your shared bedroom after. He laid you gently and found out why his back seemed cold. You were silently crying.

"Aigoo, you're such a baby," he cooed, reaching to push away the stray hair from your face and wiping your cheek with his thumb. "Everything will be alright, whatever that is. I'm here with you."

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