Tribulations (Jackson)

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*This is the same scenario as Jinyoung's Trials.

Who even invented exams? Why would you need to test someone's learning through a set of question? Who's to say that you didn't learn enough, just cause the topics you reviewed didn't come out in the exam? Who gives honours to students who manage to memorize 50 pages of lecture, but would probably forget about them right after this hell week?

"You're literally saying those out loud," your roommate says with a laugh, earning a glare from you.

Why is this girl so chill? You look like you came from a swamp after hours of sticking your nose in a book. But look at her, all dressed up and ready to go make out with his boyfriend. Aren't they scared of their future? What would they feed your future godchild with Jaebeom producing music that isn't really like the ones on charts to sell, and this girl rarely focusing on her studies because of the distracting boyfriend?

"Again, you're saying those out loud," she says, now with a grimace because the topic is her. She stands up to grab her purse before coming closer to you. She leans in to look at your scattered notes. "You know, you're the only one pressuring yourself. You can pass that exam; you're smart."

"It doesn't work like that. This one needs the exact definition given by the professor so even though I can explain it with my vocabulary, Mr. Jung won't count it."

"Wink at him. I tried it once, got an A," she shrugs.

You close your eyes. You're not as charming as she is, alright. Can't she just go and leave you to suffer? She doesn't need to care!

She backs away with hands up in surrender. "Okay! I won't be back til tomorrow morning so that you can have the room by yourself. That's how much I care for you."

You have to start actually answering since your mind doesn't keep the words in it anyway. "Or that's how long you're gonna be making out with him... at least, if it doesn't go further."

"You need your boyfriend," as if she realises.

You violently shake your head. "No way do I need him right now. I still have a lot to study. You know how he can be all over the place."

"Hon," she hooks an arm around your shoulders and kisses your cheek as farewell, "you're the one all over the place."

You just frown as she, finally, goes out of your shared room. You stare at the remaining lectures to be read and sample questions to be answered.

Again, who even invented exams?


You hear a knock on your door in the middle of calculating a series of millions. You want to ignore whoever is outside, even just enough to finish adding up the numbers. But they seem in a rush as they start pounding harder, you head throbbing with its beat.

You're ready to curse the life out of the person.

"What?!" you snap so sharp, the visitor takes a step back.

Your squinted eyes slowly widen when you realise who dared to disturb you. Who else is ridiculously handsome and looking at you with concern, when anyone else would've ran already at how horribly stressed you look?

"Babe, what happened to you?" Jackson, your ever so loving boyfriend, mirrors your shock.

Though you knew that the messy hair and dark circles probably made you look like a witch right now, to have your boyfriend react so flabbergasted is a bit offending. "What happened to me? Well, I've been studying for two days straight now and when I'm about to finally answer that long-ass question of how much Steve Jobs pays his employees, someone decided to come and stupidly ask me what's happening as if I didn't tell him not to bother me for a week. That's what happened just now, Wang Jackson."

Jackson blinks. He knew how serious you are when it comes to study but he wasn't prepared to be lashed upon. He came to cheer you up, thinking you're too exhausted to even open another book. He didn't know he'll be attacked.

"Babe, are you-"

"Am I what? Am I okay? What kind of a dumb question is that? Do I look okay? Do you think I'll be after hours of staring at my handwriting? I can barely open my eyes, Jackson. Numbers are starting to have smells. Do you think I'm okay?!"

"No, you need help."

You pull your hair in frustration.

"Babe, no, don't hurt yourself," Jackson holds your hand to get it away from your poor, dishevelled hair. He kisses your knuckles. "Calm down, okay? You got this. Why do you doubt your self so much?"

"Because," you pull your hand away snobbishly, "I know I still have five books to read before 8 in the morning. How am I supposed to do that when I have a boyfriend to entertain?"

"You don't have to entertain me! I'll be just sitting on your bed, waiting for you to ask for help in something."

You scoff. "You? Just sitting on the bed? Jackson, you have to be tied up before you can do that. And even then, your mouth won't stop questioning the existence of the world!"

"I CAN behave! I just want to be here to support you and remind you to eat and drink water. Your roommate said you've only been downing coffee the whole day. That's not healthy. And also, you should drink tea instead so your nerves will calm-"

"See! This is what I don't want to deal with right now!" you point out. "Go home, Jackson. Please. I need to be alone. You're too much right now."

You see the hurt in his eyes but you don't budge. Jackson can be the sweetest and most entertaining boyfriend but right now, that's not what you need. He won't be able to provide the serenity when he's present.

"Okay," he says, head hanging low. "I'm sorry."

You just nod. You too feel a bit sorry, but it has to be this way.

"I'll just leave these to you," he hands you the plastic bag he's been holding all this time. "Those are some healthy snacks you can eat while studying, so you won't have to go down the pantry and disturb your reading for a long time. There's also a tumbler full of my mom's tea. It can help in memorising. I also brought you some lavender oil. Drop some on your pillow before you sleep so you can relax. Please remember to sleep, okay. You won't be able to remember any of what you studied if you don't take care of yourself."

And here you were, saying all those things without filter, when he just genuinely wants to help you.

"I'm sorry, I'm talking too much again," Jackson scratches the back of his head. "I'll just go home for now. Call me when you need anything else."

"Thank you," you guiltily say. "I'll make it up to you, Jacks. Thank you for understanding.

"Anything for my hardworking babe," Jackson holds both your cheeks and gives you a kiss. "Go now, before I distract you even longer."

You'll choose that if it's another day.

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