Goodbye (Mark)

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Prompt: "Look, I don't have much time but before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you."

"You took your time. Are you like this to your guests?" Jackson complains after having to wait for two hours before Mark arrives. And still, the host looks like he doesn't want to be there.

"Sorry. I was... out riding," Mark makes up, taking the seat in front of the other prince. He can't really say he had to drag himself in this pointless meeting.

"Who?" Jackson takes his teacup and sips.

"Who what?" Mark also tries to drink.

"Who were you riding?"

Mark almost spits out his tea. Good thing he mastered the art of pretending he's fine. "I do hope you have bad grammar and don't mean the question in an explicit way."

"Fine. Who were you riding with? I don't think you're getting some anyway, since you barely leave your castle," Jackson corrects himself, muttering the last sentence in case Mark takes offence.

In fact, someone really was riding Mark less than an hour ago. He had been seeing you, the librarian's daughter, for quite some time now, though he met and befriend you when you were still kids. Almost everyone knows that the young prince is friends with you. A year ago, Mark realised that the reason he would rather pick up a book than a sword is because he's madly in love with you. You crossed the line of being master and servant, of being friends. The castle walls are the only witnesses of how much closer you've really been.

"No way," Jackson says in a disbelieving tone.

"What?" Mark asks, his voice getting a pitch higher from the defence.

"Were you..."


"Did you finally..."

Mark sighs. "You really have a problem with talking. Can you please finish your sentence?"

"You were banging the librarian's daughter!"

Mark's life flashes before his eyes. It's dangerous to provoke Jackson into saying something, but Mark didn't know he'll be that vulgar! He looks around but there are no other people. But who knows the distance his voice travelled? "I am not."

"Why are you denying it now? Your blush says it all. And sleeping with servants is completely understandable since you're still single and you don't go out much. At least you know they're clean."

Mark can't help but look at Jackson incredulously. "I'm not you. To make love to someone is a big deal to me. I won't do it just because I have primal needs."

"Oh, so you love her."

Mark wants to punch Jackson's face to get rid of that annoying grin. If this gets to his father and he's punished, he'll make Jackson suffer too.

"Okay, your expression changed so abruptly, I'm afraid you'll suddenly your chair at me," Jackson looses his playfulness.

Mark scowls at him. "I would really if you don't stop sprouting nonsense."

Jackson makes a face. "Alright, you're not sleeping with her. With anybody. You're gonna be a virgin king. Can I sleep with her then?"

"Get out here before I charge you of treason," Mark stands up. He's done.

"Wait, we haven't even talked about the trip yet," Jackson calls out.

"I don't want to be emotionally involved anymore," Mark says without looking back.

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