Only Hope (Bambam)

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From a far, you can see Bambam and Yugyeom on their usual spot, laughing their asses off. It fascinates you how they can just look at each other and actually get what the other is thinking. You always have to ask them what the hell is funny, and sometimes they'll tease you for being the third party of their relationship. Well, that's only sometimes cause most of the time, you just appreciate how adorable they are to be the epitome of soulmates.

You sit down on your rightful place beside Bambam. He hasn't ordered anything yet. Yugyeom, of course, already has his choco drink half-empty.

"So what's your plan tonight?" Yugyeom asks.

You expectantly look at Bambam. "Go meet up with Jackson or something. What do you want to do?"

"Probably just sleep. We still have practice early tomorrow so I need to relieve stress first," Bam says with a small smile.

"Seriously?" you and Yugyeom chorus.

"It's not like I'm going to be alone right?" he says suggestively. Yugyeom raises a brow.

"By sleeping, do you mean sleep as in rest or...?" And there goes their telepathy again, cutting you off. They both laugh while you shake my head. "I'm going to pretend I don't get it because I love you both for your innocence."

"It's not like JB will mind right? I mean, I'm sure he'll understand if I can't go," Bam says.

"Yes. But talk to him first. You know how he can be," Yugyeom suggests.

"Geez, let the old man be. Go and have fun, Bam," you say with a smile and he sighs before smiling too.


You really hate clubs but you have to watch over Bambam. Yugyeom is with JB and Jinyoung at your parents' home. And here's Jackson, waving.

"Bam! Come, let me introduce you to somebody," he says while giving a drink to Bambam.

You roll your eyes and let them go in the middle of the dancefloor. The lights are blinding; the sounds are deafening. After a while, you see Jackson return and sit down on the stool beside you.

"Guess you found him a girl," you say.

He orders a drink and you wince from the looks of it. Well, it's Jackson. Surely he can take that.

"Well, I hope you're happy," he says before gulping it down. He doesn't look at you but you can see from how sad his eyes are.

"If this ends well, I might be," you answer as he orders another glass.

"Why do I even have to do this?" he asks while examining the liquor. He drinks it straight again.

"I'm sorry. You're the only one I can trust to do this. You need to help him and soon JB."

"God, such an awful girl," he says before running his fingers through his hair.

As much as you are sorry for making Jackson carry this burden, you know that he's the only one willing to help. Bambam needs to realise that he has a wider world to explore, while JB needs to let him go. You know your brother loves you but he shouldn't force Bambam to stay in love with you.

"Thank you, Jacks."


The door opens and you stand up to see if Bambam can manage to walk. Well, look at that. He's sober enough to even carry a girl. You watch as they make their way to Bam's room without breaking their kiss. Good for them that it's here on the first floor. And better for them to be quick cause Yugyeom might come home anytime now.

You can hear the noises from his bedroom. To be honest, a part of you is sad because you're losing Bambam. Yes, it was your idea to let him be free and that's because you love him. But that's the same love that's hurting you right now. You try to smile because finally, he's getting the freedom JB has been depriving him. Right, you should be happy.

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