Satisfaction (Jinyoung)

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Note: This is an old story from my Soulmate AUs, which I deleted. But here you go.

You grew up wondering when you will die. No, you're not a pessimist or someone too miserable in life to think about your own death. You were born with a quote written below your collarbone, one that kept you thinking if you'll die from stealing corporal secrets or snooping into some secret organization.

Curiousity killed the cat ...

At first, you're confused why you already have a complete quote written on your skin. The rule of the universe is that two people who are meant for each other will each have half of a quote that will be meaningful to their relationship. Does this mean you don't have a soulmate? Does this mean that fate believes you can be happy living your life alone?

You were just a child interested in everything but love so you focused on the part about your death. It's now that you've turned twenty and saw people actually living the best life with their destiny-chosen persons that you started feeling frustrated.

It's time to research about it.

You head to the biggest library in town. There's a book of quotations there, and it helped many people find their own soulmates. Your friend, Kat, used it to find out what 'Heard melodies are sweet' could possibly mean. She later on found JB, her soulmate, who completed it with 'but those unheard are sweeter'. JB is a singer who seems bashful and chic. You quickly understood how the quote is important for the two.

The smell of paper and ink fill your nose just as you enter the library. It looks like a castle tower with walls full of books reaching up to the roof. There are movable stairs in order for people to reach them, but the ones on the tall shelves on the ground are already too much for a person to go through. The book with the quotes isn't there though. You go straight to the attendant at the front desk.

"Excuse me," you greet with a polite smile.

The boy looks up to you from the book he's reading, and when your eyes meet his, you almost melt. He's wearing eyeglasses but they can't hide the story his eyes seem to be telling. It isn't clear to you why, but looking at him makes you want to get to know him more. You've never seen someone this... beautiful, his face is blank in an intriguing way.

"Yes? How can I help you?" he asks with a deep voice you didn't expect from such a soft looking boy.

You clear your throat and do your best not to make it seem like you're swooning. "I'm here for the book of quotes. I want to know what's the nearest time available to borrow it."

The boy purses his lips. They look soft and full. You scold yourself inwardly and force your eyes to go back up. What will he think if he catches you staring at his lips?

"I'm sorry but I think the book won't be available for the rest of the month. It's pretty in demand right now after some people claimed that it's helpful," he explains formally.

"Oh..." your smile falls. "That's a pity. Can you tell me when I can come back then?"

He stares at you. He seems to be reading your expression, not bothering to hide his focus on your face. You try to appear nonchalant but you can feel blood rushing to your cheeks. You've heard that aside from the book's availability, the librarian also makes sure only people who really care for it can borrow it. He's probably looking for the desperation in your eyes.

The side of his lips quirks up in the slightest, effectively flustering you. You are desperate right now, not for the book, but to get to know the boy in front of you.

Curiousity killed the cat...

The words flash in your mind and you scold yourself. This boy may look harmless but who knows who he really is? He might bring you to your end if you try to get to know him. You need to focus on your purpose.

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