Trials (Jinyoung)

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*This is the same scenario as Jackson's Tribulations.

Who even invented exams? Why would you need to test someone's learning through a set of question? Who's to say that you didn't learn enough, just cause the topics you reviewed didn't come out in the exam? Who gives honours to students who manage to memorize 50 pages of lecture, but would probably forget about them right after this hell week?

"You're literally saying those out loud," your roommate says with a laugh, earning a glare from you.

Why is this girl so chill? You look like you came from a swamp after hours of sticking your nose in a book. But look at her, all dressed up and ready to go make out with his boyfriend. Aren't they scared of their future? What would they feed your future godchild with Jaebeom producing music that isn't really like the ones on charts to sell, and this girl rarely focusing on her studies because of the distracting boyfriend?

"Again, you're saying those out loud," she says, now with a grimace because the topic is her. She stands up to grab her purse before coming closer to you. She leans in to look at your scattered notes. "You know, you're the only one pressuring yourself. You can pass that exam; you're smart."

"It doesn't work like that. This one needs the exact definition given by the professor so even though I can explain it with my vocabulary, Mr. Jung won't count it."

"Wink at him. I tried it once, got an A," she shrugs.

You close your eyes. You're not as charming as she is, alright. Can't she just go and leave you to suffer? She doesn't need to care!

She backs away with hands up in surrender. "Okay! I won't be back til tomorrow morning so that you can have the room by yourself. That's how much I care for you."

You have to start actually answering since your mind doesn't keep the words in it anyway. "Or that's how long you're gonna be making out with him... at least, if it doesn't go further."

"You need your boyfriend," as if she realises.

You violently shake your head. "No way do I need him right now. I still have a lot to study. You know how he can be all over the place."

"Hon," she hooks an arm around your shoulders and kisses your cheek as farewell, "you're the one all over the place."

You just frown as she, finally, goes out of your shared room. You stare at the remaining lectures to be read and sample questions to be answered.

Again, who even invented exams?


You hear a knock on your door in the middle of calculating a series of millions. You want to ignore whoever is outside, even just enough to finish adding up the numbers. But they seem in a rush as they start pounding harder, you head throbbing with its beat.

You're ready to curse the life out of the person.

"What?!" you snap so sharp, the visitor takes a step back.

Your squinted eyes slowly widen when you realise who dared to disturb you. Who else is ridiculously handsome and looking at you with concern, when anyone else would've ran already at how horribly stressed you look?

He looks at the number pasted on the door. It's the right room, but who is this witch in front of him?

"What are you doing here, Jinyoung? I told you I have exams so I can't see you," you hiss.

Jinyoung raises a brow. Oh, it's his girlfriend? He almost thought he remembered the wrong room number. "Yeah, you said that. But your roommate texted me and said you needed help in Math."

You groan. Damn her deciding what's best for you. What you need least right now is an attractive boyfriend who would most likely judge your inability to calculate with your mind. And don't even go to the essay he would most likely proofread, only to decide that you can't pass with that kind of argument. God, you feel your stress just imagining it.

Jinyoung folds his arms over his chest. "Did reviewing for exams make you forget your manners? Aren't you going to let me in?"

"No," you tell him, face hard. "I don't need you, Jinyoung. You're just going to make me feel dumb."

"What?" he's offended.

"I don't need your help, okay?! I know you're smart and you don't need to review because listening in class is enough for you to pass with flying colours. But guess what, you have a girlfriend who has a memory span of a goldfish and right now, I'm so close to forgetting the ABCs just so I can memorise everything else. I. Don't. Need. You. What I need is to be alone and miserable until I finish this week and let go of all the theorems stuck in this stupid brain!"

You hear some doors opening. You completely forgot that you're in your dorm and shouting will make at least twenty other people throw dirty looks at you. Jinyoung stares at you as this happens, waiting for you to realise how stupid it is to burst out at your boyfriend in the middle of the hallway.

"See, this is your fault! What if I get kicked out of this dorm tomorrow?! This is the most affordable near school! Do you want me to stay in the streets until vacation comes? Do you want me to live somewhere too expensive, that I would have to give up lunch just so I can pay? Or do you want me to die? Is that what you want, that's why you came here to aggravate me?"

Jinyoung takes a deep breath. He is usually not very patient. He constantly nags at you because he wants you to be better. But tonight, he came to help and support, yet you accuse him of whatever nonsense you came up with. I mean, why would you think he wants you to die? Really? Are you that strained of your studies that you offend his love?

You are, indeed, too stressed to keep your sanity.

Jinyoung knows this, that's why he only takes a deep breath and watches as you let yours even. You are fuming but instead of mad, you look more of exhausted and close to breaking down.

"Come here," he opens his arms for you to go into.

It doesn't take a blink for you to give up the livid façade. God, this is what you needed right now.

Jinyoung's hugs are the best. Not only does he wrap his arms around you real tight, as if to keep you together, he also strokes your head to make you feel that you've been doing good up until now. You know you don't deserve it, after barking at him like that, but you're going to be selfish and savour a moment of rushing endorphins.

You hear complaints from the neighbours, some disappointments because they thought there was a fight, not some mushy public display of affection. But screw them all, who cares about their opinion? Who cares about exam scores? You CAN live without their judgements, and you certainly CAN pass that exam. You admit that you wanted to be perfect because you have an amazing boyfriend and you feel little beside him. But Jinyoung never directed an insult to you at all; it was always you feeding your insecurity. So screw everything, you can't sacrifice him just to satisfy your ego. He's so much more important than that.

"I'm sorry," you say weakly, clinging to him even tighter as your stupidity sinks in.

"I understand," he continues stroking your hair. "I'll leave after you've calmed down."

You pull away to look at him, pleading. "No, no, you can stay. You should stay. There are some literary samples that I can't understand. Maybe you can help me with them."

Jinyoung's hands go to caress your cheek. "Okay. How about we eat dinner for now, then we talk about it after? I don't want you to die."

Your face heats. What had you been thinking earlier when you said that? Oh, right, exams. Who even invented them?

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