| Chapter X | meeting royalty

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Joan was slowly trying to put everything back to how it was

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Joan was slowly trying to put everything back to how it was. They still spent most of their cells, and were still forced to take their medication. But now they spent a few minutes out of their cell, with supervision. If not they'd spend time together in one of their cells. They also went back to eating in the cafeteria.

One day when they were eating a new inmate came in. He had black hair and a limp. One of the inmates threw a piece of pie on his face.

"Penguin pie!"

The inmates had fits of laughter. But they all quitend down when he gave them all a look. He stepped on top of a table with assertiveness.

"There seems to be some confusion. My name is Oswald Cobblepot. Many of you, no doubt, will have heard of me. Some of you, clearly, have not. For those poor ignorant souls, I offer illumination. I am not a man to be trifled with. No.", he chuckled as he walked on top of the table, "I am powerful. I am vicious. I'm King of Gotham."

Even though his speech was filled with tenacity and was suppose to ignite dominance. The inmates didn't seem to get the memo. That was shown when they started mocking him.

"I am King of Gotham!", one said.

"I'm the King of Gotham!," said another. 

Then everyone was saying it or laughing as someone said it. Standing up and said it, making quite a ruckus. It also made Oswald sit down in shame.

The ruckus had also bothered Joan and her sister. They weren't quite ready to deal with their fellow inmates. Joan also felt bad for the guy.

"Everyone shut up!", everyone quickly fell silent, "Good, now you either go back to eating and keep quiet or the next thing that goes down your throats will be your tongues!"

Everyone did as told. 

Joan walked over to the guy and lead him back to their table.

"You really know how to start up a crowd."

"How did you do that?"

"The whole shutting up trick? Believe me it isn't easy. I've been for some time, and well a lot of it comes from my little sister. She never did tell me her secret."

"How long have been here?"

"Around five years. We came here when we were twelve."

"What could a twelve year old do to land themselves here?"

"We're not here for a crime, if that's what you're thinking. Our father put us here, we needed help, and we still haven't been cured. I'm Joan and this is my twin Odette." She pointed at Odette who was reading and then extended her hand to shake his hand.

"Oswald Cobblepot."

"Yeah, I got that. You're the King of Gotham?"

"Yes I am.", he said confidentially.

"Well I don't remember voting for you."

"That's not how it works."

"Well that's not very fair."

"It's not suppose to be fair."

"Also, last time I checked America doesn't have kings."

"You don't know what being King of Gotham actually means do you?"

"I've been here since I was twelve, and before that I was still alienated from Gotham. So, no shit."

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