| Chapter V | play date

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The next day, right before lunch, Jerome pulled Reine aside

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The next day, right before lunch, Jerome pulled Reine aside.

"Excuse me, can't you see I'm going to lunch?"

"I just want to hang out, get to know each other better. It's better than whatever you're planning for lunch."

Reine contemplated it for a moment. She rolled her eyes before answering.

"I guess you're a little less nauseating than the food, just a little."

Jerome smiled cheerfully, ignoring her insult. He was about to drag her along, when she pulled back.

"But just so you know, this little play date won't be leading to anything. That a problem?"

"Not at all dollface."


"Of course, but if you change your mind, I wouldn't mind either."

She made a small chuckle before following him.
They talked as they walked around the asylum for a bit. Then they decided to break into the office of one of the psychiatrists. They ransacked the office.
Reine put on a white robe, grabbed a notepad and pen and sat in behind the desk.

"So tell me why are you here Mr. Jerome Gingerbread?", she said in a jokingly serious tone.

Jerome played a long and sat in the chair in front of the desk.

"Well you see doc, I didn't have my morning coffee that morning, and when I finally got to the coffee shop they were all out of coffee. So I blew up the shop, it was a simple mistake, I swear on my mother's grave."

"I see, and how does that make you feel."

"Honestly, sad, after all I never got my coffee."

"Well I'm afraid you have something called veisalgia."

"Please help me doc."

"It is only curable by lobotomy. Sadly it's not covered my your insurance."

They were both laughing, but their game was cut short by the jingling of the door knob. Before it opened Jerome managed hide, Reine put away her costume, but she hadn't managed to hide in time. She stood behind the patients' chair.

"Miss Beauport, what are you doing here?"

"Doctor Erickson, I came here-", Reine looked around the room to try to come up with a lie, "to see you."

"We see each other every tuesday.", he walked closer to Reine.

"Yes, but I really wanted to see you. You are a wonderful psychiatrist, Mister Erickson. The best I've met in all my years here."

"I appreciate the compliment, but that doesn't excuse you being in my office when you shouldn't. I must ask you to leave or I'll be calling the orderlies."

He was about to turn around towards the open door, but, since Reine saw Jerome sneaking away, she stopped him by grabbing him and pulling him into a kiss. After Jerome successfully walked away she pulled away.

"See you in our next session Dr. Erickson.", she ran to catch up with Jerome.

When they met up they shared a laugh about what had just happened. They continued to walk around the asylum.

"You know I've heard a lot of rumors about you?"

"Not really surprising."

"Mind answering some for me, dollface."

"I don't know. It's not like I know much about you."

"Come on, I'll tell you anything you want to know about me?"

"Fine, but you have to paper, scissor, rock for every question. You win I answer a question, if I win you answer a question. Got it?"

"I know how the game works, prepare to answer all my questions.", he said cockily.

First round, one, two, three; Jerome had rock and Reine had paper. Reine smirked proudly while Jerome rolled his eyes.

"So why are you really here?"

"I killed my mother, it felt amazing."

"Of course you would."

Second round, one, two, three, Jerome had paper and Reine had scissors. Reine cheered, Jerome mumble a simple whatever.

"Why'd you kill her?"

"Simple she was a bitch. She'd whore around, drank every day, the worst part was how she'd nag at me all the time to clean."

"I understand, I'd probably done the same if I were you."

Third round, one, two, three, Jerome had rock and Reine had scissors. Reine mumble a dammit while Jerome happily celebrated.

"Okay I've heard a lot of rumors, the ones I've heard the most are; you were born here, your father was a doctor or guard, and you've killed twelve guards. Any of those right?"

"The killing some guards is close. I was here since I was eight, my step-father sent me here, I killed six men that broke into the house I lived in, one of them killed my mother, and I never met my father, but I know he is a disgusting human being and I hope he's dead.", she said in one breath.

Fourth round, one, two, three, Jerome had scissors and Reine had rock.

"What'd your dad do?"

"He raped my mother. I was the outcome.", she answered stoically.

Jerome was shocked at her answer.

"Okay, this is the last round. We have to go back soon or they'll sound the alarm."

Fifth round, one, two, three, Jerome had paper and Reine had rock.

"How'd you like our play date?"

"Definitely better than lunch."

"Can I kiss you?"

"We didn't play for that question.", she pulled him down by his shirt, "But sure."

Jerome gently placed his lips on hers. Reine kissed back as she placed her hand on his neck.

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