| Chapter XII | a friend comes visit

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While in the cell they noticed something was different

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While in the cell they noticed something was different. There were visitors, cops. As one of the guards passed by, they stopped him to question him.

"What's going on?"

"It's none of your concern."

"I disagree. You must not be aware that we are the daughters of Charles Coldwell, he's a big investor for Arkham and friends with Dr. Strange. So I'll ask again what exactly is going on, please?"

"I'm sorry ma'am but I'm don't know much. I just know that the GCPD is transferring a woman to the medical wing here."

"Do you know anything specific?"

"Lee Thompkins came with her. Oh and James Gordon is here too."

Odette's eyes lit up like she just gotten the best birthday gift ever.

"I'd like for you take to her. I won't take to long, you can escort me back."

"I'm not-"

"Didn't you hear her? Open the door and escort us to the medical wing. Don't want to lose your job now buddy."

The guard hurried to open the cell door. He took him to the medical wing were Lee Thompkins was taking care of Nora Fries. 

"Ten minutes." The guard told them before they headed inside.

Lee turned to the two girls and a smile grew on her face. Odette ran to her and pulled her into a hug. 

"Lee! I'm so happy to see you again. It's been so long."

"Odette, Joan, what a lovely surprise."

"You didn't think we wouldn't visit our favorite doctor." Joan said standing in the corner of the room.

"Yeah, I'm so happy to finally see you and that you're pregnant!", Odette said looking at Lee's belly in surprise.


"It's Jim's isn't it? Barbara told us you two got together."

"You two know Barbara?", Lee said taking a small glance at the comatose Barbara in the bed next to her patient.

"Well she was friends with Reine."

"She wouldn't stop talking about a 'boyfriend stealing bitch' Lee Thompkins."

"She was nice though, considering there's not much options here for girl friends."

"I'm so happy to see you two again, but I have to get back to work."

"Oh, of course. We completely understand. Please tell Jim we say hi and congratulations again." Odette says while walking away.

"I will."

"It's been nice seeing you again Lee." Joan said before closing the door.

After being put back in their cells Odette still had her bright smile.

"Is that going to be permanent?"

Odette started jumping with joy.

"I'm just so happy. I mean it's been so long since I've seen her. And she's pregnant!"

"I know, I was there."

"She was so nice to me when she worked here. I mean we were friends. So I'm going to be a bit enthusiastic to see my friend again."

"I'm your friend."

"We both know it's very different."

"Right, cause I won't ever leave you."

"Do you think she knows Reine isn't here anymore?", she said completely ignoring her sister.

"Well considering they never talked much at all, but since it's Reine we're talking about then maybe."

"Do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl? No matter what it is it's be beautiful since both Lee and Jim are very good looking. I do hope it's a girl though. Maybe she'll let us meet them when they're born. I would be an amazing godmother."

"You'd be a great godmother. You should think of some names for the baby, maybe Lee will use one."

Odette's eyes and smile grew brighter.

"I should definitely do that. I'll make a sketch for the baby room."

"Good on you, darling", Joan said with two thumbs up.

"Today's the best day ever!"

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